8( I Love You

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(johnny's pov)

it's been a few days and I haven't heard from annie at all

we were still out of school because it was now christmas break

so i was bored out of my mind

I look out my window and i see annie laying on her bed listening to music

I bang on it, hard so i can get her attention

It worked

she walked up to her window

I smile and wave

she closes her blinds


why did I do that

I hit my head against the wall a few times

repeating those words over and over again

but then I remembered

I still have a key to her house

(annie's pov)

It's been a few days since i've talked to johnny

I miss him

a lot

and I want everything to go back to the way it was

I heard a loud bang and I walk to my window

It's johnny

standing there waving and smiling

god he was so cute

I close my blinds

why can't i just admit my love for him?

even though he messed up

I still love him

my mom is going to be away for 10 more months

which meant she's gonna miss christmas

my thoughts were interrupted by my bedroom door opening

I jumped

(johnny's pov)

I walk in and head upstairs to annie's room

I open the door and she jumps

johnny: hey

she looks at me and lays back down

johnny: excited to see me i guess

she turns her head facing the opposite direction I was in

johnny: look annie, i'm really sorry. like you said, it was completely unnecessary and not thought out all the way. can you please forgive me? I miss hearing you laugh, seeing you smile, listening to your awful jokes, and i-

I pause

johnny: I miss you

annie turns around and sits up

she looks at me

annie: I miss you too

she said

annie: but you still never told me why you did it?

the question I've been dreading for the longest

"why'd you do it"

I really didn't want to tell her

johnny: because i-

I stop

annie looks at me and waits

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