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(annie's pov)

I heard my alarm go off

ugh it was monday

I couldn't go to school until wednesday

so I had to be home for three more days in my bed

johnny: good morning muffin

johnny says while kissing my forehead

annie: what are you doing here?

he looks at me confused

annie: you're going to school

johnny: no I'm not, I have to stay here with you

annie: I'm not going to let you stay home from school to take care of me

johnny: doctor's orders

he says while shrugging

does he really think I'm going to let him stay here

annie: you're going to school johnny

johnny: no i'm not

annie: yes you are

johnny: annie no i'm no-

annie: johnny vincent orlando you are going to school dammit. end of discussion

(johnny's pov)

annie called me by full name

all she ever called me was john or orlando

never my full name

I knew she was serious so there was no point in arguing

I went home


and started driving

on the way there I called annie

annie: what is it johnny?

johnny: if you need anything call me

annie: ok dad

johnny: and if I don't answer?

annie: I call your house phone

johnny: why would you call it?

annie: because your sister will answer and she'll come help me

johnny: correct

annie: I'm not your child orlando

johnny: today, you are

*the bell rings*

johnny: I have to go

johnny: bye love you

annie: love you too

johnny: I'll call you at lunc-

annie: bye johnny

then she hung up

(annie's pov)

I've been laying in my bed on my phone for a long time

I decided to post a picture on instagram

I decided to post a picture on instagram

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Safe Place (a johannie story)Where stories live. Discover now