13( You Did What?

978 13 0

(annie's pov)

I have a doctors appointment today

It was very important

I got to know whether or not I was able to go back to school

annie: john you ready?

johnny has basically moved in

he even has some of his clothes in my room

johnny: yeah

we walk out to the car


johnny walked

I rolled

I really didn't need my wheelchair

but johnny makes me use it

I was nervous

what if I wasn't able to go back to school?

johnny: are you nervous?

annie: a little

he put his hand on mine

johnny: don't be

I smile at him

*doctors office*

the doctor came in

I was having a mini panic attack, but I try not to show it

doctor: alrighty juliannie

he said while laughing

that wasn't funny

doctor: you're all clear

annie: yes finally!!

I fast walk over to johnny and give the biggest hug

doctor: you will still need to take your medicine and if you ever feel nauseous find someone and sit down. preferably him

he says pointing at johnny

doctor: you're all done julianna. we'll take your wheelchair

annie: thank you

*at school*

johnny: you excited to go back to school ann's?

annie: I'm just ready to get out of this house

he laughs

*the next day*

It was time for school

I was a mixture of nervous, excited, and terrified

hayden has probably told the whole school I got hit by a bus or something

people were staring at me

johnny went to his locker and I went to mine

as I was getting my stuff I felt someone tap me on the shoulder

kenzie: hey

annie: what do you want?

kenzie: can I talk to you for a second?

annie: no

I say as I turn back around

kenzie: please

I look at her

annie: fine

she grabs my arm and drags me into the janitors closet

annie: what's up with you and the janitors closet?

she laughs

kenzie: I um... I need to talk to you about hayden and

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