Tip the Iceberg

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A/N: Hey there, it's almost the weekend, you know what that means... Lots of writing! BTW your character killed the Grimm dragon and that is why they are able to rebuild the CCT Tower. I have realised I have a thing for girls with black-red hair. Ruby and Ryuko being the main two. I don't know how to feel about this... Onto the chapter!

[Insert name here]: Talking
[Insert name here]: *Whispering*
[Insert name here]: Thinking
[Insert name here]: Telepathy
[Insert name here]: Powerful/Angry/Loud voice/YELLING
[Insert name here]: Loving/Caring
???: Author (A/N: That me)
???: Unknown character.



We were back on the road after the short break we took in Higanbana. Last night I had felt a chill go down my spine as if someone was talking about me. Nora stretched her arms up.

Nora: Another day, another adventure!

Jaune was reading the map with Pyrrha by his side, Ruby was holding my hand and Ren was beside Nora.

Ruby: What's on the agenda today?

Jaune: Walking!

Nora: With a side of...?

Ren: Walking.

Ruby: *sighs* Haven is a lot farther away than I thought.

Ren: RUby? How long did you think this journey was going to take?

Ruby: I don't know! I grew up in a small area; I've never been this far away from home!

Pyrrha: Right but... how long?

Ruby: Maybe like, uh... two weeks?

Y/N: What?! You do realise the territory of Mistral is the largest of the four kingdoms, right?

Ruby: Okay, fine! Three or something! Look, whatever.

She pouted before looking ahead.

Ruby: Hey, what's that?

We looked ahead and in front of us was a village.

Y/N: That's odd. There aren't supposed to be any villages out here.

Jaune: There's nothing on the map...

Nora: The buildings are definitely damaged, you guys.

Pyrrha: We should search for survivors!

We ran into the village and searched around a bit.

Ruby: Anything?

Nora: Nothing over here!

Jaune: No one over here, either!

Ren: It almost seems... like the town was abandoned.

I found an old photo of what looked to be some very rich people.

Y/N: That means this is...

I felt an eerie wind blow and put the picture in Voidspace.

Nora: I found something!

We all rushed over and I found Nora, Jaune, Pyrrha, and Ren looking at a town sign. Nora moved some ivy growing over it out of the way. The sign read Oniyuri.

Y/N: *Grimly* Knew it.

Nora: Oniyuri? Never heard of it.

Jaune: Me neither.

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