Find and Raze

387 4 1

A/N: Hey there. This chapter is brought to you by Steve Irwin being Australian Jesus.

[Insert name here]: Talking
[Insert name here]: *Whispering*
[Insert name here]: Thinking
[Insert name here]: Telepathy
[Insert name here]: Powerful/Angry/Loud voice/YELLING
[Insert name here]: Loving
???: Author (A/N: That me)
???: Unknown character.



Y/N: Hey Dr Oobleck, I heard that the Grimm are especially active lately.

Oobleck: Yes, you are quite right. Which makes me wonder why you first-years are going on this mission but I trust Ozpin's judgement.

Team RWBY looked at me and then at Dr Oobleck, and then back to me.

Ruby: When did you two become so friendly?

Y/N: Oh, you know, late-night hot beverages.

Yang: What...

Oobleck: Leave your bags, girls, you won't need them.

Oobleck zoomed off to the bullhead that was on the pad nearby.

Ruby: Uhhhh... Well, alright then! looks like we're going to save the world with Doctor Ooooobleck- okay yeah when you say it out loud it sounds worse.

As Ruby said this her face dropped to be as depressed as the rest of team RWBY minus me.

Y/N: When you actually get to know him, he's quite a good person.

Nora: Save the world?

We turn to find Team JNPR approaching and I walk up to Ren and Jaune.

Y/N: What's up brothers.

Ren: Not too much, what about you.

Jaune: Yeah, what's this about saving the world.

Y/N: Oh, you know, just your typical beat some bad guys and get the girl thing.

Jaune: Right, gotcha.

Ren: Just don't die.

Y/N: I feel like you guys are keeping away from the whole world-saving stuff this time.

Ren: Yes we are going to shadow the sheriff of a nearby village.

Jaune: We leave tomorrow.

Neptune: Then you can party with us tonight!

Y/N: Neptune, Sun, what's up.

Sun: Nothing much bro.

Neptune: We're shadowing a crime specialist. All inner-city detective stuff. We get junior badges.

Y/N: Nice man! Good for you guys!

Sun: We normally go into the city with the rest of your team, which means stuff's always exploding and junk, so we thought this might be a better way to check out the kingdom when it's, you know normal.

Y/N: Yeah, it's nice to take a break from the whole world-saving thing, but, seems like fate had something else in store for me.

Ren: That seems to happen often to you.

Y/N: Yeah... Anyway gotta go! Stay safe guys.

I waved to them as I walked off and they waved back. I turned to face where I was walking and got onto the Bullhead where I sat and fell asleep for the whole journey with Ruby sitting on my lap.

The Creator: Faunus!Ruby Rose X OP!Male!Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now