Chapter 4

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"Come on, let's go tell the others!" Iskall said, grinning, which caused Grian to still a bit.



It's been about half an hour since Xisuma led the small group up the tower, and the hermits were getting a bit antsy. Surely it wouldn't take this long to check if the tower was dangerous or not, right?

False was getting ready to lead another small group up the tower to see if they were ok, when they all heard footsteps, and turned to see Xisuma coming down the stairs.

A chorus of "Xisuma!" was heard from the group, before a couple people seemed to notice something.

"Where are Doc, Mumbo, and Iskall?" Wels said, concerned.

"So, you all know how we pretty much chalked this place up to be uninhabited?" Xisuma asked, avoiding the question.

A few nods responded to this, everyone now concerned for what happened to the three.

"Well.. we were wrong.. kinda.." Xisuma said, before looking up the stairs. "You guys can come down now!"

They all turned towards the stairs, as they heard shuffling and muffled talk, before Mumbo and Iskall walked down the stairs, followed by Doc and.. wait who the heck that.

It seemed to be a.. winged kid? How does he have wings? Actually—scratch that. What is he even doing here? Alone? They've only been here for less than a day, and they know this place is practically inhospitable, how'd a kid, of all ages, survive for who knows how long?

Most of them were snapped out of their thoughts when someone spoke up.

"Howdy there, kid!" Joe said to the boy, who seemed pretty nervous about all the attention on him. "I'm Joe Hills, what's your name?"

Iskall seems to chuckle at something, but tried to hide it in a cough, which left most of the hermits, including the boy, confused.

"..Grian.." The kid said after a moment of silence.

"And, for the record, Grian is, in fact, not a kid, he's actually 25." Xisuma said, which shocked the hermits. For some reason.

"why does everyone think i'm so young?? i'm not that small, am i?" Grian mumbled, only caught by some ears.

TFC cleared his throat, catching the attention of the hermits.

"Xisuma, if I may ask, what is he doing here?" He asked. "Kid or no kid, this place is basically unlivable, how'd he even survive?"

"You should ask him, not me." He said, turning towards Grian, which made everyone else turn towards him.

"Um.. There's a farm, a while away... it hasn't been infected by.. whatever happened to this place, but I'm not sure how long it would stay that way.." Grian said, nervously shuffling his wings. "And for when I'm not getting food, I stay here.. Not sure why, but it seems like the corruption can't infect obsidian, or bedrock.."

Xisuma nodded at this information.

"Alright, so we'll stay here until the void matter replenishes, and once it does, we'll leave. Is there anything else we need to know about this world?"

Grian thought for a bit.

"I'm sure you all know this already, but the mobs have all been.. corrupted.. The passive ones are.. okay-ish.. but, no one should go out at night, at least, not without me. The hostile ones are... they're bad.. If you thought they were a pain before, then you haven't seen anything.." He explained.

He went on to explain a lot of things, for example; if you find tnt, don't touch it, unless you want it to explode.

He also said that if you see a purple winged figure, with purple eyes and hood, run.

He refused to elaborate more.


After a couple more explanations, everyone went off to do their own thing, after introducing themselves to the new hermit.

Doc went off into his own little corner, going back to craft some stone tools and leather armor, when he noticed Ren walking up to him.

"Hey man!" Ren said, waving his hand in a finger gun motion.

Doc nodded his salutations, and continued working.

"So, I noticed you scrutinizing the new guy, what gives?" Ren asked, curious.

"I just.. I don't trust him.." The creeper-cyborg explained. "Something about his story, it just.. it doesn't make sense..."

"..I mean, yeah, some of it does seem kinda screwy, but, I mean, he did just meet us, so, there are gonna be some trust issues, right?" Ren shrugged, grinning.

"..Well, yeah, but.. Look, he said not to trust people with purple wings, eyes, and robes, right? Well, take a look at him." Doc said, gesturing towards Grian, who seemed to be having a conversation with Mumbo. About what, they had no clue.

"That's two out of three, wouldn't you agree?" Doc said, turning back to his friend.

"..Well, you may be on to something..." Ren said, frowning, before putting on a smile. "But, I still think we should get to know him first."


"Hey, if it does turn out that he's evil and gonna try and kill us all, bragging rights are all yours, my dude!" Ren interrupted, walking backwards towards the Grian, holding up finger guns. "For now, though, I'm gonna get to know the new guy!"

After he said that, he turned around, and began talking to the other two, one of which was a bit startled at the sudden interruption of their conversation.

As they talked, Doc stared at the duo-turned-trio with a stoic look on his face.

No one really seemed to pay his worries any mind.

Fine then.

He'll just observe him from a distance, waiting for him to make a move.

Once he does, he'll make sure he'll never move again.

Doc turned his attention back to the crafting table.

He had some work to do. 



ok, this is all i have for now! we're now gonna go on a schedule of whenever i finish the next chapter. 

don't fret, though, i have finished the next chapter! all i need is to send it to my beta reader, and we'll be all set!

till next time!

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