Chapter 1

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Where once a tree stood proud, a portal now settled.


Out of the portal came a group of people, made of about twenty.

Most of them were.. confused, to say the least, about the world they had arrived in.

The world was tinted purple, and had an air of danger around it. Plant life seemed to be decaying, and from the few animals they could see, they didn't seem to be doing good, either.

They seemed.. corrupted is the best word to put it. Each looked mutated, be it extra limbs, a different color, or weird crystals on their backs.

If this is what the passive mobs look like, they didn't want to know what the hostile ones were like..

One of them, Biffa, stated what they were all thinking.

"What happened here?"

They started muttering amongst themselves, uncertain about the situation they were in.

That is, until one of them, who appeared to be the leader of the group, climbed on top of the now inactive portal, and cleared his throat.

Everybody quieted down, and looked at him.

"Alright, so, it's clear that this place isn't safe, so we are all going to stick together, and find shelter."

A couple of the newer hermits were confused.

"Why can't we just leave, and find a new world?" One of them, Zedaph, asked.

"It's.. rather complicated, but the long and short of it is, we can't use the portal until the void matter replenishes." Xisuma explained. "I can explain it in further detail later, but right now, we need to focus on finding someplace safe. If there are no further questions, we should get going, before it gets too dark."

There was a pause, as he waited for someone to speak up. When no one did, he nodded to himself, and climbed down the portal.

He started walking in a random direction, motioning the group to come with him.

There was a slight pause, before the rest of the hermits started to follow.


It was getting dark, and they still had no idea what happened to this world.

This whole puzzle piece of a world was just.. confusing.

It seemed like everywhere they turned, this corrupt world threw something new at them. Worn down buildings, Glitched-up terrain, weird signs holding clues to something.

And that's not even mentioning these weird symbols made of bedrock, of all things; they find seemingly everywhere.

Whatever happened to this world, it seems to have something to do with whatever made those symbols.

But now isn't the time for theorizing, they need to find shelter, and fast.

It was almost sunset, and they really didn't want to see what happened to the hostile mobs.

They were currently trying to find a shelter, since they all agreed that they shouldn't waste time and resources on a place that they weren't going to stay in, especially at this time. It was better to just find a pre-made shelter, since there seemed to be many.

The hard part is currently finding the right shelter. Everytime they do find a seemingly "good" place, there was always something wrong with it; be it too weak, too exposed, too small, or corrupted.

They were running out of time. It was almost dark, and they still haven't found a shelter yet.

They had been searching for hours now. They were getting tired. They were ready to take any shelter they could by now.

They walked on an empty plain, having not seen any places for a while.

They were losing hope, until one of them, Cleo, noticed something.

A tower. 



okay, this is all i will post for now, i have chapters 2-4 already written, so expect those in the next few days! stay tuned!

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