4 - MakeDamnSure

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"No one is responding! Except you two." Lance yells out as he paces back and forth inside his room.

Pidge and Hunk are on video call screen of his laptop. The topic is about Keith and Allura. Neither have texted him back. Imagine the unnecessary anxiety rilled up inside him and just waiting to burst out in fear of rejection or no longer having any friends.

"Calm down. They do have lives you know?" Pidge mumbles, leaning her chin on top of her forearms.

Hunk just nods. "Oh definitely. Keith's been grabbing gigs all summer thanks to Allura's show, so it's no wonder he's been busy."

Lance scrunches his facial expression, "Again— why are you two on different screens while in the same room?"

"Please. Let's focus on you for now." Pidge responds as she sits up and adjusts her glasses while on the screen.

"Right. . ." His phone starts to buzz and there's a text from Keith! "He responded!"

Lance opens up the text message and not exactly what he expected. Keith merely responds with:

Sorry. Caught up in a lot. Catch up soon, good to have you back :)

He frowns and quickly replies with an okay. Pidge and Hunk stare from the screens. They turn their heads to look at each other before they bring their attention back to Lance.

"You okay bud?" Hunk's tone is concerned.

It's subtle but Lance transitions from depression to beaming bright with a smile. It had to be fake of course. His friends always knew these moments to be a mask covering up what he really felt. His friends frowned while Lance sat in front of his laptop.

"It's all good. I guess I'll just see Keith whenever he's not busy." The tone in his voice falters to disappointment.

Pidge huffs, "And still nothing from Allura?"

Lance shakes his head with a sigh, "Nothing."

You've got this new head filled up with smoke
And I've got my veins all tangled close
To the jukebox bars you frequent
The safest place to hide
A long night spent with your most obvious weakness
You start shaking at the thought
you are everything I want
'Cause you are everything I'm not


The morning passed by pretty quick. The world's routine for arriving to work or school had done its deed while Lance waited until the rush was over to head downtown for a good cup of coffee. He may not have got into college by choice but now was the time to look into gaining employment. Not knowing what type of career you want is not the way he wants to approach school. It's better to be sure so this year off should be a broadening opportunity to figure something out.

Now he did have the coffee shop but decided it was time to upgrade his position into the music industry. He would like to build towards Music Producer and Song Writer, so anything related or to at least have a peak is a good start. To have the chance to look into what interests him. Over the summer, he thought long and hard about what he wants as a career.

Once the feeling of creating some minor music or song happened with Keith, he didn't want it to stop there. Lance wants more of the feeling. The urge to create and show pride, confidence, in his skills. Just to show Plat City what he's made out of. Just seeing Keith and Allura thrive within music made him feel like he was missing out on the bigger picture. As much as they seemed disinterested and literally had the natural talent for it, Lance felt he could do just as good. Maybe even better. He'll find out soon.

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