7 - Do You Want To

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Lance has been waiting for at least five minutes at the old coffee shop. Keith texted he would be there pretty quick and that gave Lance some time to reminisce on old memories. He would think of the shifts he shared with Pidge, the lunches and evenings he sat at the tables with his two best friends, and even the moment he saw Keith and Allura first came through the doors. It's not as if it happened like the movies but this place definitely brought people together and it's what Lance enjoyed about it most.

The door bell rings, catching his attention from one of the tables and he lifts his head to see Keith walk in. He should've been cool about this. Maybe more calm and at least smiling towards Keith. Instead, Lance is in awe. He's staring at Keith for sure but not with excitement to see an old friend. Should he even call him that? No, Keith looks hot right now.

Keith scans the tables until he finally spots Lance in the corner. "Lance!" He smiles with a small wave.

Lance actually blushes. Hopefully not too much for it to be noticeable. "H-hey."

Keith suddenly pulls him in for a hug and Lance hugs him back but is more baffled that Keith is smiling. There never use to be smiles on that face. Well, it's probably just been a long while since he's seen Keith up close. Damn, was he always that attractive? He's wearing casual clothes but that red shirt is bringing out the hot in his image. Not to mention that black pleather hoodie jacket looks pretty damn good on him too.

"How ya been?" Keith pulls away and pockets his hands inside his jacket.

"Uh— f-fine! Just fine, actually. Been waiting on you for such a long time hehe." Lance chuckles and mirrors Keith.

"Never thought that day would come."

There is something odd about Keith's behaviour. Or, maybe it's that sly smirk he gives while turning away to walk out of the coffee shop. Lance follows after him as he sips from his cup. Once they begin to walk down the sidewalk, they start to catch up on summer break.

Oh I woke up tonight I said I
I've gotta make somebody love me
I've gotta make somebody love me
And now I know, now I know, now I know, I know that is you
You're lucky lucky you're so lucky

"So whose band do you help out with?" Lance asks after tossing his cup into a public trash bin.

Keith purses his lips, "They don't have a name yet but it's the Sincline bar up ahead. Since my friend Acxa helps run the bar, she has free gigs to perform with her band. They're pretty good live."

"How'd you meet 'em?" Lance is interested to hear of Keith's connections in local talents within the city.

"Well, thanks to Altea Records and having us in the show, gigs have been piling up all summer. We played at Sincline once and it was an ugly night for me."

Lance can see a quick discomfort look in Keith's eyes. "Was it really that bad?"

Keith wants to talk about it. Mainly because Lance asked. Well— it has to do a lot with Lance and Allura. He shakes his head instead, "Just a stupid drunk night."

Lance isn't convinced but decides not to pry. Besides, he's more excited to see what Keith's been up to all this time.


"Oh look! Keith brought his boyfriend!!"

Keith rolls his eyes while Lance blushes from the outburst. Ezor has been waiting to meet Lance and it's all thanks to Keith. Although, Keith had hoped his coworkers and band mates might keep quiet about it.

"His name is Lance, by the way." Keith eyes Ezor with a warning as he walks pass the bar counter.

Lance coughs out of feeling extremely nervous. Keith didn't even deny the boyfriend fact! "Ah ha— nice to meet you." He reaches out for a handshake, surprised that Ezor vigorously shakes his hand.

"Name is Ezor. Our boss is Acxa." Ezor points to Acxa on the stage, working with cords. "Zethrid is currently in the back but she'll love knowing your here."

"Really? Why's that?" Lance is interested to know this. Did Keith mention something about him? Would he say something embarrassing?

Keith wants to slap some duct tape onto Ezor's mouth. She's clearly saying more than she should and it's because she loves to tease Keith about his never ending rambles about Lance's talent with an acoustic.

"Okay. Enough, go help Acxa." Keith mumbles as he leans over the bar counter and nudges at her arm with his own. Ezor giggles as she walks over to the stage.

The air is quiet while Keith tends to a customer and Lance relaxes himself to sit at the bar. Whatever just happened is enough to brush off until further notice. He really missed hanging out with Keith and to hear of their band's constant gigs after leaving for the summer feels like he missed out on so much. Maybe more than he realizes.

Well he's a friend and he's so proud of you
He's a friend and I knew him before you, oh yeah

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