💫 Chapter 3 💫

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- I was sitting on the couch looking at my mom with a stunned look on my face. The police wanted to arrest her but she begged them to let her talk to me. She grabbed my hands and said "Sweetie now listen." I pulled my hands back and said "Start talking ma." She looked down and said "15 years ago..." I looked at her because she started crying and said "Hmm ok 15 years ago I brought you from some kidnappers." My mouth instantly dropped she shook her head and said "I knew you were kidnapped and I still took you, the people who sold you to me told me to never let you find out and also paid me to keep quiet, yes I knew all about your twin and your mom until this day they continue to look for you." I started crying because I didn't know if I should just scream I hate you or just run to my room she grabbed my hand and said "I kelp you private your entire life but I don't regret it I fell in love with you and I treat you as if you came from me."

- I sat there looking at my mom like the world had ended she tried to grab my hand up I moved away "Don't touch me." She had a hurt look on her face and the police said "It's time to head out." She gave me a kiss but I wiped it off and she walked out and said "I love you miracle as if you were my own." I turned and seen Willie looking and I walked up to him and said "Did you know?" He looked down to his feet and said "M look-." I felt hot tears coming down and said "Willie did you know?" He let out a small breath and said "My momma told me everything when I was 12." My heart instantly broke and the tears came. I can't believe I been lied to my whole life and Willie out of all people ain't tell me we suppose to be tight. He walked up to me and said "M listen." I walked away and ran to my room and slammed my door shut. I needed time to think I picked up the phone and called my best B Alison and told her to come over.

- As soon as she pulled up she came running to me and said "I got everything you need ice cream, Tissue, and all the bring it on movies." I smiled and said "Girl you silly." We walked into my house and seen Willie looking at me and he said "M can we talk." I walked right past him and headed to my room. Ali walked behind me and said "Man your brother is fine girl." I looked back and said "he technically not my brother." She had a confused look on her face and said "What you mean." I nodded my head and said "Imma explain." Me and her sat down on my bed and I explain everything my mom had just told me she looked at me and said "so lemme get this straight you have a twin brother Nd your mom brought you from kidnappers moved you to New York and got arrested because the police finally found her." I nodded my head she looked and said "Damn that's fucked up." I said "I know I always wondered why I was just completely different looks last name allat." She said "I'm sorry best."

- I smiled and said "Hey at least I met you." She laughed and said "But you have a fine ass twin brother out there somewhere." I laughed and said "How the fuck You know he fine." She laughed and gave a a girl stop look and said "I mean you fine y'all twins looks gotta carry." I looked at her and burst out laughing. I started daydreaming for about a few minutes and I guess she can tell something was on my mind because she grabbed my hand and said "Whatchu thinking." I put my head down and said "Just thinking how my life would be if I was with my actual family with my birth parents and my brother." She said "Why don't we try and find them?" I looked at her and said "No I can't." She gave me a I know you lying look and said "Why not." I looked away and said "What if I'm not ready." She said "How bout we just see if your brother have a Instagram?" I nodded my head we can always find people on Instagram so what could be so bad about it I decided to take that risk and said " Look him up."

- She grabbed my laptop and said "Do you know his name?" I instantly remember what the officer said "Um I think it's Jayden Carson or Jayden Williams." She started typing away and said "Oop well here go Jayden Lamar Williams Jr." I looked and said "Jr?" She said "yes and girl he looking good and that's definitely your twin." I rolled my eyes and said "Give me my laptop lemme see." She handed the laptop over and I seen the picture she was looking at

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