💫 Chapter 11 💫

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- After everything that happened I just needed a day to myself I woke up the next morning and grabbed my phone and seen hella missed called from my bestfriend Ali. Willie probably told her that I left for real and I totally forgot to tell her I heard a knock on my door and I looked up and said "Come in."  My mom poked her head through the door and said "Get dressed." I looked at her and said "Ummm." She smiled and said "hurry meet you in the car." I was definitely confused by what the fuck was going on I put on some black biker shorts a tube top with my black jean jacket and my fur slides and grabbed my things and walked out. JJ came out the room and said "where you going." I looked at him and said "I don't know my damn self mom just told me to meet her in the car."

- He looked and said "Oh shit I forgot." Still confused by what's going on and he came out the hall room and gave me a key that was pink with a "M" in diamonds on it and he said "Put that on your key ring or you gone lose yo house key." I looked and laughed and gave him a hug "I love it thank you." He smiled and said "you better hurry up mom hate to wait." I laughed and walked out the house I got in the front seat and said "So momma what's this about?" She said "you need a stress relief day so we have a private spa day waiting on us. I mean unless you not up for it." I gave her a i know you lying look and said "start this car asap." She laughed and smiled and we headed to the spa. She looked and said "after this we going school shopping." I looked at her and said "I'm going to school next week." She said "yes girl you think you was gone stay home."

- I laughed and said "I don't want you spending on me." Mom looked at me and said "girl hush it's my job." We pulled up to the spa and it was 2 women at the door with drinks in they hand my mom parked the car and we walked up to the door the lady said "Ms Asia welcome back I have your original and what can we get for your friend?" My mom laughed and said "No marsi this my daughter the one I told you about." She smiled and said "oh gosh my bad of me welcome Ms miracle this spa is your spa everything we have will be made to your desire." I smiled at the lady and said "I'll take a lemonade." She nodded her head and walked away my mom said "Niyah waiting on us." I looked confused and said "Who is niyah." She smiled and said "follow me."

- We walked down the hall and headed into the spa and it was a girl who look a little older than me but younger than my mom and she said "Girl lemme use that charger my phone died." She laughed and said "Not until you speak to miracle." She looked and her mouth dropped and said "Omg Asia she is so big." She started tearing up and I smiled and said "I'm confused mom." Niyah gave me a hug and said "I'm your aunt and girl when I tell you when been tryna find your forever." I smiled and gave her a hug and said "I have a auntie." She smiled and said "Yess you have another one but she not here yet." I smiled and said "omggg so much family." We all laughed and my mom said "You got 2 uncles and thats bout it."

- We was at the spa of hours and we talked about everything we got back to the car and Niyah said "I had a great time Miracle Imma see you later okay." I smiled and gave her a hug and said "Bye auntie Niyah." She got in the car and left my mom looked at me and said "Come on I gotta take you somewhere." I smiled and got in the car after about 40 minutes later we pulled up to this hall I got out the car and said "mom why we here." She looked and grabbed my hand and we started walking towards the building as soon as we got to the door she said "your birthday is next weekend and you turn 16 you must forgot but we do parties over here." I smiled really hard and admired the big space I looked and said "Omg this looks awesome." She smiled and said "This is where you and your brother Finna have you first birthday so it has to be perfect."

- I smiled because it's nothing but perfection she grabbed my hand and said "Imma get ya hair done and we gotta go shopping for a outfit." I smiled and said "Thanks mamas." She kissed me on my forehead and said "Come on let's go get you some school clothes." I laughed and we walked out the building and headed to the mall I got a text from JJ and decided to open it
Twin💙❗️: yrooo where ya at

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