chapter 5

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After a year,

In this time, alot of things had changed .armaan wasnt the rowdy boy everyone knew , he was still arrogant and rude .
He wasnt close to his friends like before .he preferred giving his time to aria .and his friends clearly didnt like it .

Armaan remembered aria's first birthday .he had the room beside his completelty set for .he had filled it with toys on her birthday .

armaan's school was finished .his friends have planned to go and watch live world cup match .the tickets were booked , everything was arranged .musa amd rafay were also excited as armaan agreed to come along with them .they knew how muvh armaan loved cricket .

But a day before of them leaving , aria fell sick .she had fever , armaan was really worried about her .

When doctor came to check her ,he said and gave the prescription  "the weather is changing , she just caught cold .keep her covered properly, babies feel the temperature more strongly then grown ups " .

Armaan took care of her whole day , aria's eyes were a bit swollen from fever , her face bright red . She was not coping with her nanny for a second , even if armaan put her down , she started weeping .

Armaan kept her in his arms almost the whole day .by evening , her fever had gone but she was still irritated, not letting armaan do anything but hold her.

When mrs malik got to know about it, she came to his room and saw armaan feeding her porridge .

" how is she?" She asked .

" better now " armaan got the call by rafay just then . Aria was in his lap , he couldnt go out or excuse himself . He picked the call right there .

" yeah , you heard right ! I wont be coming " armaan said . He had texted them , telling about aria's health .

It seemed like the phone was on speaker as musa said  "you know what , dont come , its like this girl is the only meaningful thing in your life " they ended the call .

Armaan didnt show anything on his face . He had noticed the disapproval of his friends on his care towards aria . But today,it was proved . They only cared if armaan was with them during fun things .and for armaan , those things had started to look meaningless. He enjoyed his time with his little princess.

" did you just cancel your plan ?" Mrs malik asked .
" yeah" armaan said focusing on feeding aria.

"You have been so excited about this , why back out now . If you are worried about aria, then stop it . We can look after her for somedays. And you said yourself, she is fine " his mother said .

" yes , i am worried about wont be able to handle her, she is already irritated due to fever.And going , not going its my decision . " armaan said .

" i can take care of her just fi...." his mother spoke and tried to pick aria .
But the latter started weeping before mrs malik could even lift her from armaan's lap .

Armaan stood up and started soothing her .she was crying and babbling " mummmumm"
" shhh! I am not letting anyone hold you .shhh , my little princess!!" Armaan said making soothing sounds .

Mrs malik sighed and left.she knew that it was a lost case already .


Another update !!!❤❤❤😁

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