chapter 16

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by evening , aria was completely fine , armaan was also feeling normal . he check his phone and saw maida's text .

"i dont think this marriage can take place .i am leaving tonight " maida had written .

armaan frowned seeing the message , he tried to call maida but she wasnt picking his phone .

" what happened ? " aria asked him .
" i dont know , but maida ... she texted me that she doesnt want this marriage anymore . i dont know whats wrong , everything was fine till this morning " armaan said .
" you should go and check " aria told him .

" you ..." armaan started worrying about her .

" i will be fine , just try to return soon " armaan bit his lip , trying to decide what to do . he decided to go and check on maida .


armaan rang the bell of her room , maida opened after 5 minutes .she left the door open and return to her room where she was packing her bag .

" hey ! is everything fine ?" armaan asked .maida turned towards him.

"why are you even marrying me ? you cant even see anything beyond aria . your every talk starts from aria and end on her . i cant even hate that girl , she is that lovable i understand , but i cant bear all this " she said in anger " i agreed to marry you , because i thought you dont love anybody ,we can make this work . but i was wrong, that girl rules over your heart , mind . i see in your eyes ,and her shadow is more clear than my image ."

" i love her , but its not like that ....." armaan said with a frown . 

" stop fooling yourself armaan,take the mask of ignorance off of your eyes . even a blind man could tell that you love aria like a man should only love his woman " 

" its not true " armaan said in trance . he was lying to himself and to her .

"Do you even care for me? " the girl said with fire in her eyes .

Armaan kept standing there, not knowing what to say ." Your mom wants us to marry !!! Is this what i have to go through everyday? " the girl shouted in anger.

" you are over reacting" armaan said in a calm tone.

" i am over reacting? Am i?!!!! Your heart is so full of her, theres so space for anyone else !stop making a fool out of everyone and see whats inside you ."the girl said and turned to leave.

" i care for you " armaan said .

The girl stopped in her track and turned " yes you do ! But as nothing more than a friend !!! Open your eyes before you end up hurting yourself and her " she said and left .armaan closed his eyes , shooking his head .

" its not the truth....i cant love her like that ...i cant " he said and punched the wall in anger.armaan was trying to deny which was getting more and more clear in front of his eyes . 

maida left for the airport , she didnt love armaan ,but she was just feeling a bit hurt. she couldnt even hate aria , her innocence , his love for her was so pure , that she never wanted to come between them . 

she had doubts till yesterday , but armaan's pain while holding aria's shivering body . his fear of losing her made everything very clear . it was much more than simple attachment . it felt like his breath would have stopped with aria .


armaan fell on his knees as maida's words sunk in . he couldnt deny what she said anymore ." how can i love her like that ? my princess? she....i have brought her up ... how can i do this to us ? to her ? ....its not true ..... its not true " armaan punched the wall multiple times , trying to control this situation .

he didnt see anything changing " maida is wrong ....." armaan said with determination and got up . aria was waiting for him .  


Assalam ualaikum readers , last update for today and  there wont be anymore update till next monday . so be patient , if i get time in this , i will update , but no promises . :) 

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