chapter 19

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armaan wasnt able to lay in bed again , he went aria's room and saw her laying on her tummy . her face was pressed in her pillow , armaan knew that she was crying from her posture . he sat near her and started running his hands through her hair .

" princess ....." armaan called her , but she didnt get up . 

" aria sorry " he apologised in a broken voice . aria sat up , and armaan's heart constricted seeing her tear soaked face.

" i am sorry " aria said wiping her face " you hate me now , right ?" she asked sobbing . 

armaan turned her towards him " princess what are you saying ?" armaan asked her . 

" you think i dont get it ? you are behaving like this because maida denied to marry because of me . mama also said that its my fault , you are not ready to marry .you dont love me any more right " aria asked him still sobbing . 

" baby , why are you thinking like that ?" armaan asked her , he wanted to pull her in his arms , soothe her , but he was controlling himself . 

" you think i dont notice ? you have been differently since the night i had fallen in the lake . you dont love me anymore , you have started calling me aria , aria!! you never call me that " aria said as if him calling her by her name was the worst thing possible . 

" you dont feed me as you used to, you dont kiss me anymore , you dont adore me like before " aria said weeping more and then started punching his chest .her nose was red from crying .he sat still for a minute , but then held her both hands and pulled her close , so that she was only a foot away from him . 

aria could see his red eyes " you stupid girl ! i dont love you ? how can you even think like that ? " she looked at him open mouthed . 

" you want to know the reason of my changed behaviour ? then listen !! i have realised that my love for you isnt like before . i dont love you as innocently as i used to , i want you like a man should only want his woman " armaan felt his throat thickening on the last words . 

"i will end up ruining you , me , our relation . i am ashamed of my feelings , i didnt want this to happen , but i cant stop this . i tried , i tried my best , but nothing is working . i cant stop loving you , i cant stay away from you " armaan said . a tear fell from his eye and he left her hands . 

armaan couldnt say anymore , he started looking down , trying to control his emotions . 


Hm fakeer zaat hen ,rab se mangny k aadi

Hmen logon k dron pr jaany ki aadat nhi


Salaam readers ! a short update :) 

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