chapter 10

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after somedays , 

sara was really excited about the engagement . she was getting ready to go to armaan's place for choosing her engagement dress. her mom was sitting on the bed looking at her . " are you sure about this engagement ? armaan malik doesnt look like a very nice person to me . havent you noticed his attitude ? he hasnt even tried to talk to you . "she said . 

" who cares about his attitude ? i will be the elder daughter in law of the malik family . wife of THE armaan malik .his credit cards and his social standing is enough for me " sara shrugged while combing her hair . " though , i dont think he is that bad , havent you seen his behaviour with that swinky ( aria ) " sara hadnt liked what she saw . his extreme care for her didnt set well with him . 

they left for armaan's place after wards . mrs malik had chosen some dresses for sara . the designer was coming at their place . 


in the evening , armaan had come home , mrs malik asked him to freshen up and come down as sara and her mom were coming .

aria entered the room behind him , armaan smiled " how was my princess's day? "  

" boring , my i pad isnt working . can i use yours ?" aria asked with a pout . 

" why have you waited ? you should have taken it from my cupboard " armaan said with a frown . he never distinguished between her things and his . 

" maan , you are the best " aria said with a smile . 

he left to take a shower . aria sat on his bed with the i pad . when she was done , she got up to place it on his side table . armaan was in the balcony attending an important call . 

the room's door opened with out a knock , aria got startled and her hand bumped into the watch which was placed on the table . it fell down and broke in a second . 

the entering lady quickly came near aria and picked the shattered watch up , it was none other than sara . 

"how careless can you be ? do you know how expensive this watch is ? its from the limited edition of Vacheron Constantin ." sara shrieked in anger . she had always been crazy for expensive stuff . she followed all the well known brands regularly . reading fashion magazines were one of her hobbies . 

aria got scared seeing her going red in anger . " its - its just a watch , and you entered without knocking , i got startled " aria said . 

" i dont need to knock at the door of this room , u insolent kid " sara shouted and raised her hand to slap her . she really didnt like aria , and aria showing mirror to her didnt sit well with her . 

before she could slap her , she heard armaan saying " how dare you !!! " in a very cold tone . armaan came near them and pulled aria behind him . he had heard sara's yelling and came in . the sight of her her hand raised on aria stopped his heart . he had never let anyone shout on her let alone raise hand . and this girl had the courage of doing it just after coming into their lives some days ago . 

sara eyes went wide seeing him come . even though , she had come to his room to call him down so that they can choose the dress . "i asked how dare you raise your voice on her ?" armaan asked through gritted teeth . 

" she .. she ended up breaking such an expensive watch and then she wasnt even sorry . she was telling me that i came in the room without knocking . " sara said flustered . 

armaan looked at the watch in her hand and then in her eyes " she can break every watch in my collection . i dont care , but who gave you the right to shout on her . who ?!! and about entering unannounced , she is right . no one is allowed to enter my room unannounced , not even my mom . so who are you ?!!!!!" he asked controlling his anger . 

" you know what , you can leave . i was quiet , but that doesnt mean i didnt notice which type of a person you are . i dont need such a person as my life partner . " armaan said rudely and then headed towards the door to open it . he gestured her to leave his room . 

sara went red in embarrasment , then left saying " you are not the only guy in this town . i have better options " armaan closed the door not caring about her and went near aria who was in tears . 


another update for my lovely readers : ) 

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