chapter 12

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armaan and aria came back to pakistan after roaming around different places in italy. armaan got busy with his office work and aria with her studies after coming back .in morning , armaan always had breakfast with her ,he was used to serving her before filling his own plate . if by chance , she couldnt join him on breakfast , he would prefer skipping it as digesting his food would be difficult task anyway . 

this morning also , they were having breakfast ,aria was suffering through sore throat ,flu .she would have preferred resting , but there was a very important assignment she needed to submit .

armaan filled her glass with warm milk instead of juice , aria made a bad face " princess drink it , " armaan said softly and smoothed her hair ." call me , whenever you want to come back " armaan said as he dropped her infront of her college . aria gave him a small smile . her nose was red ,armaan was worried for her . he knew it was just flu , but even her slightest pain affected him deeply . 

around 12 pm ,

aria asked him to pick her up . she was feeling really down , " princess , we will go to the doctor first , then home " armaan said and took her to a friend's hospital . aria didnt want to go as it wasnt a big deal but armaan wasnt listening .

when doctor asked about the issue , aria told him that she was having flu and sore throat .doctor shooked his head "give her this medicine , she will be fine in a day or two " he gave the prescription to armaan . 

armaan bought the medicine and then they went home . "stay with me " aria pleaded once , armaan laid her on the bed . armaan sat beside her, aria placed her head on his leg and snuggled closer to him . she always needed more care and love whenever she was sick . 

" princess, i am not going anywhere " armaan said taking of her hair pin and then started running his hand through her hair . he didnt have the heart to return to office himself . 

"princess, dont sleep before eating your medicine " armaan said as he picked up the phone to ask the servant to bring soup , which he had asked them to prepare before leaving in morning . 

servant entered and placed the bowl on the side table , she saw aria's head in armaan's lap but didnt give it much thought as they had always been affectionate towards each other . 

after she left , armaan said "princess, get up " armaan said, but she only snuggled closer to him . 

"baby sleep after eating " armaan said helping her sit up . she made a bad face but got up . once armaan was done with her food and medicine , he helped her lay back . he got up to go and change into some comfortable clothes , but aria opened her eyes and held his hand " where are you going ?" she asked with a pout .

" i will be back in 5 minutes . just need to change clothes " Armaan said and aria let him go reluctantly .

in 2 days , aria was fine . in the evening , maida , one of his bussiness associates had come to meet him at home as she wanted to discuss something very important . she was beautiful 26 years old lady with beautiful black hair and honey toned skin . she wore confidence as her second outfit. 


he has the right , he can be with anyone . 

its me, who loves him , i am bound to want him only .......


ASSAlamu alaikum readers , how was the update ? 

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