Chapter 6:No Choice

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Yeonmi woke up on Saturday morning, in pain and agony. She rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom to treat her wounds. To her luck, she ran out of medical supplies. She brushed her teeth and left the bathroom.

"Do I even have money to buy more?"Yeonmi went back to her.

She checked her wallet and checked the amount she had. It was barely enough for the supplies, but it was something. Getting dressed in a hoodie and jeans, she began getting ready for the day.

Once finished, she left the house with a hood over her head and avoided all eye contact. Yeonmi could feel eyes burning on her, after every painful night she felt as though everyone knew her embarrassment; a constant judgement from strangers. The weather matched the mood, another dark gloomy day in Seoul. She arrived at her local corner store to pick up medical supplies.

She finished paying, using the rest of her money, and quickly hurries out of the store. Her lightweight body and converse on her feet made practically no sound as she walked. Making her way home she picks up her pace, and suddenly she hears footsteps behind her. The footsteps follow behind her.

It's just a coincidence, there's a lot of people that live here.

Yeonmi didn't believe her own mind and began turning corners and into alleyways to prove her point, but she was right; someone was following her. Her breathing quickened and she reached for her phone.

The first call she made was to Jaemin, but it went straight to voicemail. Haechan was next but it went straight to voicemail as well. Renjun and Jeno's phones rang but they didn't pick up. Chenle's phone went to voicemail as well. Jisung's rang for a second before being cut to voicemail. Her mind goes to Lucas, but he didn't pick up either.

Call him. He's all you've got left. You know you need him.

Yeonmi then goes to a contact she hasn't gone to in almost a year. Mark. She's almost shaking with fear, from the stalkers and calling him. Ring! Ring! Ri-.

"Yeonmi?"He answers confused as to why she called him.

"Mark, please help me."

Her voice said it all, the way she said his name; a switch went off in Mark's brain. It wasn't the phrase, or peas for help, that made him know something was wrong; it was how she said his name.

"Why? What's wrong? Are you okay?"Panic went through his head.

Please don't be what I think it is.

"Someone is following me. Everywhere I went they've followed me; every corner every twist and turn. The others didn't pick up, I didn't know- I didn't know who else to call."

"Where are you now?"Mark asks as he already starts getting ready to get her. He runs to get extra help while keeping his phone on him.

"I'm in the alley route, the one close to the park we went to on your graduation."

"Get to the park, be surrounded by people, they can't get you there."Mark instructs with even more panic coursing through his veins. He quickly pulls the phone away from his face. "Hyung, I need some back up! Emergency!"

As a member from the younger spectrum, of the main group, the message was vague and applied to many. It was a matter of who cared enough to show up or who wasn't already busy. Mark never asked for help, so it wasn't a surprise when footsteps began to rush around the house.

"Please, come quickly."Yeonmi pleads as Mark put his phone close to his face again.

"I will, I will, I promise. I promise I'll get there, Yeonie, just get to the park."The line cut.

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