Chapter 18:Caught in a Lie

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It was after school and Felix had gone to his locker. Yeonmi finished early and went to go surprise him at his locker. She snuck up behind him, waiting for him to turn around, but she got a different result. Felix quickly turned around and had a pencil in his hand pointing at her neck.

"Sorry, reflexes,"Felix says before pulling her into a hug.


Yeonmi hugged him back, but lightly. For some reason his action made her feel uneasy.

"I thought you were Seungmin or Jeongin."He tells her before pulling back to put stuff into his backpack.

"Are you walking me to the car today?"

"I can walk you to the front of the gate. Seungmin, Jeongin, and I have stuff to do after school. I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay. You have things to do, I understand."

"Shall we go now?"Felix smiled at her as he closed his locker.

Yeonmi smiled back, but a little weakly. Felix didn't hesitate to grab her hand and lock their fingers. The two walked out of the school together.

"It's going to rain tonight, so make sure you stay inside, don't get sick."Felix tells her.

"I don't have any plans for tonight, I'll be warm in my bed."

They talked as they made their way to the gate. Occasionally, Felix would whisper something that would make her blush ever so slightly. As the two walked closer to the front gate they saw groups of girls huddling together and whispering amongst themselves.

"You've been wearing your hair up a lot recently."Felix mentions to her.

"Yeah, it's just easier to study that way. I think I've only had it down once these past months."

"You're cute when you have your hair up."

"Am I ugly when I have it down?"Yeonmi jokes.

"No! When it's down, well, it gives a different energy. It's like you're older and more fierce. It's just different, not in a bad way, in a good way."Yeonmi smiles at his words.

When they reached the gate the groups got larger, and they didn't know why. Felix got close to Yeonmi again, and instead of whispering he kissed her on the cheek, and her face flushed redder. Suddenly, Yeonmi froze when she saw something, and she knew what the girls were whispering about, while Felix remained confused.

Mark stood leaning against the gate post, staring right at them. His eyes diverted from their faces to their hands. Yeonmi immediately let go of Felix's hand.

"What in the hell do you think you're doing?"He asked while slowly walking towards them.

"Mark,"she didn't know what else to say.

She heard people running towards them, running she could only hope was the other Dreamies. To somewhat her advantage it was them, and they went immediately to either Yeonmi's side or next to Mark.

"Hyung, let's just go home"Haechan tried to reason.

Mark moved forward once more and grabbed Yeonmi's arm, draggin her away from Felix. She was forced to follow, knowing that if she resisted things would turn out worse. The Dreamies hurried after them, with Jaemin running even further behind after apologizing to Felix.

"You're hurting me,"Yeonmi tried to reason.

She wasn't even being dramatic or trying to lie, Mark had a death grip on her arm. He disregarded her comment, and continued to pull her towards the van.

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