Chapter 7:Inspection

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*Trigger Warning

Jaemin and Taeyong led Yeonmi to Johnny's office, in the house, while Mark, Jaemin, Jaehyun and Lucas followed behind them. They left through a hallway near the kitchen and took a right turn.

The door was secluded, the only one on its wall. "Dr.Johnny" was carved into the door. Taeyong knocked loudly and waited for a response.

"Who decided to hurt themselves this time?"Johnny shouts, and Taeyong took that as the magic words to open the door.

"Yeonmi got into trouble"Lucas answers for Taeyong.

Johnny turns his head from his papers to the broken girl. He can see why they needed him this time.

"Seems like we only get to meet when you're hurt, let's hope next time is on better terms."He shines a bright smile at her to lighten the mood.

A light smile forms on Yeonmi's face and Johnny knows that he can heal her physically, if he can heal her mentally first. Jaemin led Yeonmi to sit down on the first bed.

Jaehyun stands at the door. Taeyong and Lucas sat in chairs near Johnny's desk, Mark sat down in the chair next to Yeonmi's bed, and Jaemin sat next to Yeonmi.

"Where were you hit?"Johnny asks carefully.

"Stomach, arms, they were choking me too."She answers truthfully.

"Do you want to take off your sweatshirt so I can examine?"He knew it wasn't the right time to demand things, so asking would be at least calmer.

Yeonmi shook her head. From what her brother did to her last night, Jaemin was going to freak out and murder him; and she knew he was fully capable of doing so as well.

"Do you not have a shirt underneath? I can go get you one."Mark offers, not knowing her reason for leaving her hoodie on.

She shakes her head once more and Lucas steps in.

"Then what's wrong? Mimi, please talk to us, we need to know if something is wrong."

"Don't be shy, you know me."Johnny tries.
Yeonmi motions at Taeyong to come closer to her, and he gets up and goes to her.

"Make Jaemin leave."She tells him, and he nods.

Without knowing the exact reason, Taeyong finds an excuse for Jaemin to lave.

"Are you embarrassed Yeonmi?"Lucas continues, trying to find a way for her to take her hoodie off.

"Jaemin, you need to get ready for your mission."Taeyong says in a half panicked voice.

"I'm staying here, my mission is in hours."Jaemin argues back, a bad decision on his end.

"Then you can spend them training, last I remember your left hand is rusty in shooting."Taeyong fires back.

Rule number one, never talk back to Taeyong because he knows how to manipulate everyone in the end. The way to manipulate Jaemin: criticism in his skills. Jaemin stands up and storms out of the office, angry at his older brother.

Yeonmi then takes off her sweatshirt, dropping her head in shame. Cuts and bruises over her arms are revealed, and the bruises on her neck more visible. The boys stare at the damage, wondering how any of this could happen to an innocent girl. Even Jaehyun was alert at this moment.

"They did this?"Taeyong asks in shock.

"Those cuts look like they're from yesterday."Johnny chimes in, examining the marks all over her body.

"Who hurt you?"Lucas gets up from his seat, having a full assumption on who hurt her.

Yeonmi shakes her head once more, being the shy girl she was when she first entered the house. Mark took a hard look at her, already knowing the answer.

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