Chapter 16:Think Fast

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Yeonmi woke up with a scream, and shot upright. Her heart was racing. It had been the same nightmare as last night, except this time she didn't freak out. Almost instantly the bathroom door opened.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Mark."

"Well start getting ready. We're leaving in an hour or two."He tells her before leaving her room.

She only held her head in pain. Ignoring it to the best of her ability, Yeonmi got out of bed and went to the bathroom. Luckily Mark wasn't in there, and she was able to do what she pleased. Taking a look at herself in the mirror was the worst decision. There were dark bags from her lack of sleep, and her hair was a mess.

I should ask Johnny for sleeping pills tonight. When did I even go to sleep?

Heading back into her room, Yeonmi changed into a short black skirt with safety shorts underneath, and pairing it with a slightly off the shoulder red sweater. Since it was still cold out, she put on a pair of black knee high socks. Yeonmi went back into the bathroom but with her makeup bag this time.

Moisturizer came first, then came the cushion, concealer, and powder. Because she had time, Yeonmi decided to actually fill in her brows instead of only using a gel. Yeonmi then did a simple eye look. Using only two colors, a glitter, and eyeliner; of course with a little mascara at the end. She lightly contoured her face and put on blush, then used a subtle highlight on her cheekbones. Yeonmi finished it all with using a red lip tint to make a gradient.

Being a bit lazy she kept her hair straight, and only combed through it. As long as she looked presentable, hopefully no one would think she's a mess. The last thing she wanted was for everyone to be worried about her.

Before leaving her room, Yeonmi grabbed a jacket, her phone and headphones, the shoes she wanted to wear, her makeup bag, and stuffed it all into a purse. She also took Xiaojun's jacket that had been washed. She didn't know what time it was, or how long she actually took to get ready.

When she went to the kitchen, no one was there. Yeonmi turned her head to look into the living room, and no one was there either. Checking the entire first floor, nobody was around.

No. There's no way I'm the first one ready.

Leaving her things on the couch, she ran back upstairs. She went to the third floor, the floor with a majority of the older members. She goes to Taeyong's room and knocks on the door. Since it was Taeyong, she couldn't just knock and enter as if it was Jaemin's room. After a second he opened the door.

"You're already finished getting ready?"He questioned while letting her into the room.

"You guys aren't?"

"I need time to look good."

"You're still in pajamas."

"I was deciding what to wear. Within this whole household, you have the least amount of clothes. Not to mention it's nice sometimes to put on makeup."

"Your skin is perfect, I'm not hearing it."

"I have many products."

"What am I supposed to do while you guys are getting ready?"

"Tell me about Felix."

"What?"The question threw her off.

"Tell me about Felix."He repeated.

Yeonmi sat down in a chair as Taeyong tried to pick out what he wanted to wear.

"Well, he's sweet and kind. He knows how to make me smile, and how to push my buttons."

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