Chapter 24:Oh

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Yeonmi finished with her shower. She dried her hair and her body, and changed into a pair of sweatpants and a tight tank top before heading downstairs. Her body trembled, she was almost sure Irene and Seulgi already told the others, and if not everyone else at least Taeyong.

The instant she went downstairs she was jumped by a hug. It was obvious who it was, and she hugged him back instantly. He was sobbing profusely, nuzzling his neck into her shoulder.

"I was so worried."He cried.

"Nana, I'm okay now, it's okay."She patted his back and stroked his head.

Jaemin pulled away and looked at his best friend. They hadn't been separated for a long time, but to him it felt like an eternity; especially after finding out what happened to her. His tears were flowing and Yeonmi was quick to wipe them away and give him a smile. The other Dreamies soon gathered around and greeted their friend.

"Where's Mark?"Yeonmi asked after they all hugged her.

"He's still in Johnny's office. The door is closed, so we're assuming we can't go in."Renjun tells her.

"Taeyong ordered food, it's coming soon. Go sit down and I'll get you a cup of warm water."Jisung offers and rushes off to the kitchen to warm up water.

The other boys led Yeonmi to the couch to sit down. She explained to them everything that happened, from the beginning... Even everything that happened in the club. It got to the point where she had to explain how they lured Jack to the back, and there were instant reactions.

"How much did you have to drink?"Jeno asked again.

"You really kissed him?"Chenle started.

"And then he pulled you back in and kissed you again?"Jisung continued while bringing her the warm water.

"Mimi, isn't that your first kiss?"Haechan ended, and suddenly the questions stopped.

They all were waiting for her to answer. Her first kiss was either Mark or Felix, and no one knew. Yeonmi avoided their eyes and looked to the ground. That's how they all knew she was serious, and within a second they were all screaming.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!"She was laughing while shouting at them but she really did want them to shut up, she did not need the entire house hearing.

However, the entire house did end up hearing them. Lucas soon came running from down the hallway shouting in confusion, and Lucas' shouting was loud enough for Kun to hear. Of course Kun had been on the phone with Xiaojun who told Hendery and Yangyang. Sicheng was with Kun while he was on the phone so he heard as well. Soon it just spread to everyone else from all the shouting.

Finally, the shouting alarmed Irene and Seulgi who were in Johnny's office. They left the office and saw how everyone was on the first floor. They assumed Yeonmi had made her way downstairs.

"Stop harassing the girl, she's been through a lot."

"Yeah but her and Mark also kissed for their mission."Ten tells her.

Irene paused for a second, just before reacting.

"Taeyong! Mark and Yeonmi kissed!"She shouted out before turning back to go to the office.

Seulgi stayed back to talk with the others. Irene closed the door on the way behind her and stared at Mark. He ignored the stares from her, and Taeyong, and Jaehyun, and Johnny; they were all staring at him. Mark acted as if nothing was wrong and continued to drink his water.

"Mark, you and Yeonmi kissed?"Jaehyun asked while nudging him.

"Don't act as if you weren't planning on it, hyung."

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