Chapter 21:Oh My God

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It was midnight. Back at home Jaehyun was in the meeting room organizing files. He wasn't tired yet and he needed to tell Ten about Yeonmi's mission. Although when Ten did come home he was already in a raining fit.

"How could you send them on a mission and not watch over them?"Ten shouted as he saw Jaehyun in the meeting room.

"Shh, no one knows about it."

Ten only rolled his eyes before closing the door shut. He walked towards Jaehyun and slapped his arm.

"Jaehyun, Johnny just told me what you guys planned. It's a stupid idea to use Yeonmi as bait, not to mention it's Mark alone that needs to protect her."

"It's a small gang, plus it's only a kidnapping case. They'll have like three people max, Mark can literally kill them all in five seconds."Jaehyun argued back. "Think of it as a hit, all we need is the tracking on their phones."

"Jae, this is a mission, worse case scenario their phones are lost. Then what?"

"I use the tracking device installed in Mark."

"You guys put a tracking device in Mark?"Ten questioned, "and you guys didn't bother to tell me?"

"Taeyong and I made him get it when he was first getting irrational with his phone calls."

Ten calmed down. He was at the safe house the whole day, and he came home to find out Yeonmi and Mark were on a mission. Jaehyun urged Ten to keep quiet, since the only other people that knew Yeonmi left were him, Taeyong, and Johnny.

Taeyong and Jaehyun were relaxed about this mission. It was easy enough for those two. With Yeonmi's skill and all of Mark's training, a couple of 20 year olds shouldn't be a big deal. They were so relaxed about it, they all went to sleep before they knew they came home.

Sure, they fell asleep when Yeonmi ran out of the house, but they all knew Mark would be awake to make sure she came home. Mark and Yeonmi would be home eventually, if not tonight then the next morning. However, the next morning came and neither of them were in their rooms.

As the first one awake, Taeyong went to check their rooms. He checked Mark's room first, but he wasn't in his bed. He then went to check Yeonmi's room, but she wasn't in there either. There wasn't the sound of any running water, and he heard no movement downstairs. A panic suddenly filled him, and it took over him. He began to speed walk through the hallway with his phone in hand, and went straight to Jaehyun's room.

Taeyong didn't hesitate to wake him up. He shook him awake, ignoring Jaehyun's remarks to let him sleep.

"Jaehyun! We underestimated them!"

"What time is it?"

"Eight, now get up! We're in trouble."

Jaehyun rubbed the sleep from his eyes and sat up in his bed. He wasn't taking Taeyong seriously, since he tended to overreact. One look at Taeyong made him instantly worried, it was different this time; a true panic took over him.

"Taeyong, what's wrong?"

"They took Mark and Yeonmi. They're not as small as we thought they were, or they just used everyone they had that night." Taeyong showed his phone to Jaehyun. "Look, Mark is at an unknown location and Yeonmi's phone is still at the club."

"You're telling me they took over three people to kidnap a girl? Pathetic."


"Besides the point, we can just go and get them. We can have garden members come with us instead of the main house if you don't want them to know."

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