Epilogue 4:Dream

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December 31st, 2019 5:30am

Taeyong excitedly woke up. Today was the day Yeonmi was coming back home. He found out a week ago, and was told not to tell anyone else. Yeonmi wanted it to be a surprise.

After not hearing from her directly, for protection purposes, for months his heart jumped with joy when he got the message. He informed her of their move to the safe house, all the new living conditions, and where she would be in all of it.

She was arriving at 6, and Taeyong needed to make sure no one else would see her when she came. He still needed to account for Johnny waking up early for work, and Jeno waking up for his morning workouts. Not to mention anyone else spontaneously waking up.

He waited at the front of the house fully dressed. Every minute he looked out the window, waiting for a car to pull up. He honestly wasn't even sure if someone from Bangtan was driving her, or if she was driving herself there. Suddenly, he heard footsteps behind him going down the staircase.

"Good morning, Jeno."He said, not even turning around.

"How'd you know it was me?"Jeno looked at him in disbelief.

"Just go do your workout."Taeyong laughed, he wasn't about to reveal his secrets.

"Hyung, what are you doing anyways?"

"Just walking around and thinking."

Jeno shrugged and walked off to the basement to go workout. Taeyong let out a sigh, he hated lying to any of them, but it was for a good cause. A few minutes passed and Taeyong heard the low hum of a car's engine. He peered out the window and saw a black suv pull up to the front. The car parked near the other cars present at the front.

He opened the door and went outside, hoping that no one woke up to the ding of the alarm system that notified any outside doors being opened. He had his hand on his gun, ready just in case. However he dropped his hand as soon as Yeonmi stepped out of the suv with keys in her hand.

"Taeyong!"Yeonmi hushly shouted and ran into his arms.

"Yeonmi, we've missed you."Taeyong hugged her back instantly, he almost didn't want to let go of the hug.

"I've missed you guys too. It feels good being out of the Bangtan house, I've been there this whole time. They were strict, I had no way to contact anyone except for the 7 of them, and I wasn't allowed to step foot out of the house, until this week."Yeonmi explained while still hugging him.

"Yoongi's told me everything. He kept us updated about you, if he didn't we all would've gone mad."Taeyong informed and let go of the hug, "hold on you haven't driven in months and you drove all the way here?"

"It's mainly a straight road, I was fine."Yeonmi laughed off, Taeyong gave her a look, "yeah, I'll have Jaehyun go over driving with me again."Yeonmi smiled.

She then went to open the trunk of the suv. Taeyong took a second to look at her before going over to help her with her things. Her hair was a bit longer, her skin paler from being inside, her body looked healthier and fuller(although it was hard to tell from her jacket), and her mental state seemed normal.

Yeonmi had two luggages, it was mainly filled with clothes, but some had other belongings as well. Taeyong grabbed one of them for her, and helped her bring it into the house. He was actually surprised by the weight of it. Upon getting inside, Yeonmi took off her shoes and placed them with all the other pairs of shoes at the front. She also took off her winter jacket and put it on her luggage.

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