Chapter 9:Brother Problems

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It was almost six in the evening, but the night had just started. The van drove towards Yeonmi's house in silence. Nothing but the sound of the engine and heat could be heard, and of course breathing. The tension between Mark and Taeyong was high and everyone felt it.

Jaemin had his headphones in. Chenle and Jisung weren't there to make any jokes. Jeno was half asleep on Haechan's shoulder. Renjun was sleeping on Jeno's shoulder, and Jaehyun was busy driving.

(For reference it's an 8 person van.
Back: Haechan, Jeno, Renjun
Middle: Yeonmi, Jaemin, Mark
Front: Jaehyun(driver) Taeyong(passenger)
Just so there's no confusion)

They soon arrived at the house, and Jaehyun alerted everyone by slamming the breaks; thus giving everyone whiplash. There was panic for a second before they all realized they arrived. The sleepy boys groaned, and Jaemin was fumbling around for his right Airpod that dropped on the ground. Yeonmi had put a hand out in front of her to avoid her head hitting the back of Jaehyun's seat.

"Hyung, please don't do that, ever again."Mark asked before opening the door and hoping out.

Jaehyun has parked on the side of the curb, just before the house. It took a second for the high schoolers to catch their breath after panicking of a crash. They all got out and Yeonmi walked to the front gate. Her body trembled but she covered it up once Taeyong and the others walked towards the gate as well.

Yeonmi pulled out her keys and unlocked the door, slowly but shakily. Suddenly the door whipped open, with her brother standing there. He saw the group of men before his own sister

"Who are you people?"

He saw Taeyong and Jaehyun first then saw the Dreamies behind them. He then tilted his head down to meet eyes with his little sister.

"Yah, Min Yeonmi, where the hell have you been? Did you spend the days with these boys? Get in the house whore."He grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the house.

"Well she's not one, so if you'll excuse us."Jaemin says before shoving past Taeyong and Jaehyun to get into the house. He grabbed Yeonmi's other wrist and pulled her close to his side.

"Na Jaemin, we never did get to finish our fight."

Jaemin glared daggers at him as the others started filing into the house. A pungent smell of alcohol and blood filled their noses, a smell they knew well but one they weren't expecting to encounter this night.

"Forget you,"Mark tells him.

"Change of plans everyone, Yeonmi is staying forever, let's go we're getting everything."Taeyong says, making an executive decision.

Yeonmi didn't even blink an eye. If she had a way to finally leave then she'd take it, and this was her chance. She watched her brother's movement as he backed away from the group of men.

"You are never coming back here again young child."Jaehyun says quietly to her while trying to avoid stepping on tiny drops of blood on the ground.

They all followed her to her room, making sure to not take an eye off her brother. She opens the door to her room, and grabs a luggage by her closet to get her clothes. The Dreamies, excluding Mark, grabbed one of her backpacks to help gather her things. Taeyong stood by the door with Jaehyun; Taeyong watched the kids while Jaehyun kept watch for her brother.

Jaemin grabbed her duffel bag to grab her belongings, Renjun grabbed her school things and her uniform, Haechan helped grab her with clothes, Jeno grabbed all the things Jaemin didn't get. Mark only stood against the wall with his eyes closed.

"Everything finished?"Jaehyun asked.

"Just about,"Yeonmi says while still stuffing clothes into the luggage.

"Everyone head to the van, I'll stay with Yeonmi."Taeyong orders.

"Let's go,"Mark says, already walking out of the room of nostalgia.

A minute later Yeonmi finishes packing, and quickly grabs a notebook from under her mattress. She looks at Taeyong to see if he noticed, but she couldn't tell because his head was turned to the door; he noticed. They went back downstairs only to find the group of boys arguing with her brother.

Taeyong put a hand on Yeonmi's back to urge her to get out of the door. She puts her head down, and is halfway out the door when her brother notices.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?"

"Far away from you, where she'll have better everything."Jaemin spits back at him.

"You'll regret that."

Jaemin launches in for an attack but Mark instantly pulls him back and out the door. Mark muttered words only Jaemin could hear, but those were enough words to get him into the van. Everyone else shuffled behind them and put Yeonmi's stuff in the car before getting in themselves.

"You're with us now, whoever hurts you deals with us, all of us." Taeyong

Jaehyun drove off and drove back to their home. Yeonmi leaned back in her seat with her eyes closed. Her heartbeat was rapid and she was breathing deeply. She dreamed of the day of leaving that place, but never under these circumstances. Jaemin grabbed hold of her hand and held it tight.

The Dreamies in the back stayed silent, knowing now wasn't the time for light chatter. Mark was breathing deeply as well, memories flooding his brain and ones he didn't need at the moment.


"Who's phone?"Taeyong asked before turning to face all of them.

"It's not important,"Mark says while declining the call on his phone.


A dark figure got out of a black car. The car was parked in the same place Jaehyun had parked the van. They got out and walked towards Yeonmi's old home. They walked to the front door before heavily knocking. The door opened ever so slightly and her brother peered out to see who was bothering him this time.

"Cousin, I haven't seen you since the funeral."He says before opening the door wider.

"Where's Yeonmi?"

"She's gone"

"What do you mean 'she's gone'?"

"She just left with some boys, took all her stuff with her, not even a single word from her. A couple minutes ago actually."

"Have you called her phone?"

"I just cancelled her plan."

"You just let her leave?"The dark figure said with anger.

"Of course!"

"You useless piece of shit!"

"Why do you need her anyways?"

"Don't worry about it!"

The dark figured stormed away in anger and stress. They went back to the car and slammed the door shut. They picked up their phone and called someone.

"We need to find her, before someone else gets to her first. For all we know, she's already dead."

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