Chapyer 20:Bye My First

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"It's been over a week. Why is she still crying about Frederick?"

"Jaehyun, it's Felix, and for crying out loud the girl got her heart broken."Johnny tells him.

"The boy is missing. Yeonmi said she couldn't contact his phone, he was missing from school, and their final exams."Taeyong mentions while sorting through papers.

The three of them were in Taeyong's office. They were supposed to be discussing other matters, but Yeonmi was the only thing on their minds.

"Did she eat lunch yet? She skipped dinner yesterday. Yeonmi is skinny enough, if she loses any more weight the wind will blow her away."Johnny was walking back and forth in the room.

"Jaemin brought food up to her."Jaehyun explains, "maybe we should call Red Velvet. They're girls, and they might be more useful than all of us."

"We call them and we have the chance of them taking her away, because we clearly don't know how to take care of her." Taeyong then thought of something, "we're sending her on a mission with Mark."

"That will ruin her current mental state."Johnny tells him.

"Hear me out. It takes her mind off of Felix, and forces her to talk with Mark. May I remind you, Yeonmi isn't the only one upset."


Yeonmi was sitting in her bed, with tears still flowing down her face. She hasn't cried this much since her parents died. For some reason, Felix leaving felt the same way.

It hurt so bad. For some reason her heart was cut to pieces. They weren't even dating, but there was something there. Her brain was foggy, and all she could feel was pain.

She went from seeing him everyday at school, having him so close at all times, to absolutely nothing. There was a void beside her, and it was hauntingly disturbing.

Her emotions were out of control. She was sad he left, mad at herself for letting him, which only made her more upset because of her decision. Yeonmi was a mess, as simple as that. It was her first actual love, and it disappeared as fast as it appeared.

There was a knock at her door, but she chose to ignore it. Although, it didn't matter, whoever it was barged in anyways. They approached her bed slowly, and sat at her feet.

"Yeonmi, I know you're upset, but we need you to go on a mission."

"Jaehyun, you can't be serious."

"I am, but trust me you'll feel better."

"And if I don't?"

"Then I'll buy you ice cream."

Jaehyun looked her in the eyes. He saw her brokenness, he saw the pain and the suffering; he knew exactly how to manipulate it. As morbid as it was, he needed to show her that in weakness there is strength.

Yeonmi looked back at him. She knew his motives, and she was willing to go through with them. Being sad would only get her so far, and with no need to study anymore, she needed something better to do than mope.


"Jaehyun, you left out a crucial detail about this mission."

"That is?"

"You didn't tell me I'd have to do it with him."Yeonmi pointed to a Mark who was dressed and sitting on a chair.

Jaehyun only shrugged his shoulders. It had taken an hour to get Yeonmi strong enough to function, he wasn't going to waste more time. With a week of lounging around and staying in bed, it took awhile for her muscles to start working again.

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