Chapter FOUR: Clean

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The warm summer breeze drifted through the window, giving the room a nice temperature. Lilly sat calmly by the window, brushing her long brown hair with a brown and black spotted brush. The sound of Latin music floats in the background. It had been almost a whole day, without any attacks from Ethan, part of the reason why is because Jasmine had convinced him to go shopping with her, so Lilly was left alone for most of the day. Time seemed to be going agonizingly slow as Lilly awaited the arrival of her mother and Ethan. She was great full he was gone, but she worried about the moment he would walk through the door. The possibilities of what could happen to her played in her mind over and over again. She imagined what she would do for each scenario she thought up, but nothing she thought of could possibly predict what would actually happen. Lilly, stared out the window, looking at the empty driveway. In all her scenarios, she saw herself loosing every one. There is no where to hid. This house is too small. Lilly thought about running into the woods, but she knew she would have to come back, she doesn't know how to survive on her own.

Lilly continued staring out the window as Jasmine's black Honda pulled slowly into the driveway. Lilly sat, frozen in her seat, as Ethan stepped out of the passenger side of the car. His pale skin reflected into Lilly's eyes, forcing Lilly to squint, as she continued to stare out the window. 

Suddenly, the door swung open, and Ethan was the first to enter the room. He held 2 jugs of bleach, one jug in each hand, and walked swiftly through and out the room, without even giving Lilly a glance. Lilly, continued to stare out the window, her heart beating a mile a minute. Jasmine, walked in a minute later, a light floral scarf around her neck, and a slight smile on her face. 

A small squeak in the corner of the room, catches Jasmine's attention. Lilly had gotten off of the chair she was sitting on and it had caused the squeak that Jasmine heard. 

"Hey, Lilly!" Jasmine said happily, before her mood quickly changed to worry, "What's wrong Lilly?" 

Lilly's eyes were red and teary, but her facial expression was emotionless. 

"Lilly?" Jasmine asked, dropping the black purse that was in her right hand to the floor. 

"I'm fine, mom." Lilly replied 

"You are clearly not fine." Jasmine says, as she steps closer to Lilly

"What's with the scarf?" Lilly asks

"Don't change the subject, we're talking about you, not me." 

Lilly's eyes swelled with tears. "No." 

"No, what?" 

Lilly pushed her mother out of the way and ran for the door, but as soon as she grabbed the door knob, all her strength seemed to dissipate and she sunk to the ground. 

"Lilly, what is wrong with you?" 

"It doesn't matter." Lilly said, before picking herself back up

"Of course it matters! Don't you ever say that again!" Jasmine says, practically yelling.

Suddenly, Ethan appears from the other room. "What's going on here?" 

"Something is wrong with Lilly and she won't talk about it." Jasmine answers

"I'm sure it's nothing, children cry over the silliest things, maybe she just needs to take a nice bubble bath to calm down?" Ethan suggested 

"This is different. Just look at her!" Jasmine says, with tears pooling up in her eyes. 

"I'm fine!" Lilly screams 

"My mom acted like this once, and after a nice bubble bath, she felt 100 percent better." Ethan said 

"Okay, fine. But If she doesn't feel better after this..." Jasmine replied 

"She will, trust me." 

Lilly looked at her mother, then at the floor as she headed toward her room to grab some cloths to change into after her bath. 


Lilly stepped into the bathroom with her cloths in her arms. The strong smell of bleach burned her nostrils. 

"Hello, Lilly." A familiar male voice said

Suddenly, the door slammed shut. Lilly dropped her cloths on the floor as her body jerked from the loud noise. 

"Ethan, what are you... what are you doing in here?" Lilly asked 

Ethan stood menacingly behind her, his hand still on the door.

"I've done nothing wrong today." Lilly says, a little higher pitched than usual. 

"You're a dirty kid, that needs to be cleaned." 

"Wha-" Before Lilly could finish, Ethan grabbed the back of her shirt and pushed her into the tub with all his strength. 

The bleach burned Lilly's skin, causing Lilly to scream in agonizing pain. Ethan quickly put his hands on her again and forced her to stay in the tub. He grabbed her hair and pushed her head into the bleach. Lilly's screams of pain was drowned out by the bleach, her eyes stung with extreme pain. 

  Ethan Lifted her head out of the bleach before saying, " I'm not going to kill you now, you're mom still loves you, but when i convince her to hate you" Ethan laughed, "Then you're time on this earth is over."  

"That.. That would never happen!" Lilly screamed. 

"You sound a little unsure." Ethan said, before laughing.

"Lilly?" Jasmine says through the closed door.

"Mom!" Lilly screamed, before Ethan pushed her head back into the bleach. 

The door handle quickly turned, and Jasmine flung open the door to see Ethan, holding her child in a tub of bleach. 

"What are you doing?!!" Jasmine yells, before running over to Ethan and Lilly.

Jasmine tries pushing Ethan out of the way, but he won't budge. 

"I'm just giving her a bath." Ethan says, as Lilly's limbs fling everywhere as she struggles to be free. 

"That's not a bath!" Jasmine screams, as her eyes frantically searches for something to hit Ethan with.  

With no luck, she goes back to trying to push Ethan away. 

"Get away from my daughter!" Jasmine yells, as she lunges for Ethan. 

This time, her strength was enough. Ethan lets go of Lilly as he falls to the ground, Jasmine on top of him.  

"How dare you hurt my baby!" Jasmine screams, as she punches him over and over again in his face.  

"She was dirty." Ethan says, without emotion

"You're dirty!" Jasmine says, as her fist collides with his head, causing Ethan to loose consciousness. 

Jasmine gets off of Ethan and sees that Lilly is still in the tub, floating unconsciously.  

"Lilly!" Jasmine shouts, as she drives her arms into the bleach filled tub to save her daughter. 

A loud grunt escapes Jasmine's mouth as she pulls Lilly out of the tub and onto the floor. 

"You are not aloud to die on me. " Jasmine says, as she begins CPR. 

Jasmine mumbles the song, Stayin' Alive, as she presses up and down on her daughter's chest.

Tears run down Jasmine's face like a rushing river, waiting for her precious daughter to open her eyes. 

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