Chapter Six: Falling

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Jasmine stares at the small cell phone in her hand. Her finger quakes as it hovers over the numbers. She repeats the number she has to call, over and over again, but her finger still hovers over the first number, centimeters away. Thoughts crash through her mind like a waterfall, trying to think of any other possible way she can save Lilly, than what she has planned. After about 20 minutes, Jasmine finally dials in the number. The number goes straight through and a scratched, weary voice answers the phone. 

"Hello?" Says the voice

"Hi, yes, uh, My friend Annabelle, gave me this number, she said, you guys can bring people back from the dead?" Jasmine's voice is shaky 

"I will not confirm anything over the phone, you'll have to meet me at the park. I'll be at the fountain wearing a blue fedora." 

"Okay... what time?" 

"Meet me in 2 hours." 

The phone line abruptly goes dead, before Jasmine can say anything. 

Jasmine sinks back into her leather armchair. The first step is done. Now, Jasmine has to deal with another problem, getting rid of Ethan's body. She's never killed anyone before, and she never thought that she would ever have to.  She sets her phone on the arm of the chair, before slowly standing up. Time to get rid of a body. 

Jasmine heads to the kitchen, her eyes falling on the cabinet under the sink. There should be a pair of rubber gloves in there. Lilly always complained that her hands were wrinkly after washing the dishes, so Jasmine bought Lilly a box of rubber gloves, to help with Lilly's hands, and give Lilly less to complain about. 

Jasmine crouches down and opens the cabinet. She doesn't see the gloves immediately, she has to move things around, before she spots the box of rubber gloves. Her bony hand grips the box, pulling it out of the cabinet.  She breathes out heavily, trying to prepare herself for what she has to do. Grabbing the gloves out of the box, she heads to the bathroom, where Lilly and Ethan lie on the floor, their body's are pale and motionless. 

She slips the rubber gloves over her small hands, before walking into the bathroom. The smell of decaying flesh and blood infiltrates Jasmine's nose, forcing her to gag. She grabs the collar of her shirt and brings it over her nose, so she can breathe better. Her body, calms down and stops gagging, but small amounts of the pungent smell still finds it's way to her nose.   

She quickly walks over to Ethan's body, and grabs him by his ankles. She pulls on Ethan's lifeless body, dragging him out of the bathroom. Luckily, the bathroom is on the first floor, making it easier for Jasmine to drag the body down the hall and out the back door. Ethan's body leaves a trail of blood, that Jasmine will have to clean up later. Jasmine drags his body, to the far back corner of her yard, sweat drips from her face falling down her shirt. She lets go of his ankles, feeling exhausted. Now for a shovel. Jasmine groans as she thinks about how much work digging a grave is going to be. 

"It has to be done." Jasmine says, to herself. 

Jasmine heads to a small wooden shack a couple feet from the house where many tools are held. The wooden door creaks as she opens it.  Her eyes scan around the small shed for her shovel, after about a minute, she spots the shovel, hidden behind the lawn mower. 

She wipes the sweat off her face with her wrist, before leaning over the lawn mower and grabbing the shovel. With the shovel in hand, she heads back to Ethan's body, and starts digging. It takes Jasmine about an hour to dig a hole that was deep enough and wide enough to fit Ethan's body. She throws the shovel to the side, before grabbing Ethan's ankles one more time and slipping him into the freshly dug hole. Ethan's body fits perfectly in the hole. Jasmine retrieves the shovel, to complete the burial. 

"Goodbye, sweetheart." Jasmine says, grinning, as the first shovel of dirt hits his face.

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