Chapter II

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Steve remembers pretty well how Nat joined the team. Kind of a rough day. However, the day had started rather normally. At least, insofar as a day of escape may be normal. The three of them (Sam, Wanda, and Steve) were walking in the street, trying to find some food before returning to their escape.

« Wanda, any signs of intruders? »

« Not yet Steve but we better hurry. Even with caps and sunglasses, we are way too recognizable... » she murmured.

« I know, it won't take long. Just something to eat and we disappear. »

« Why don't we split? Would go faster » Sam wondered.

« No way! » Steve replied, looking at him « There's no way we can-ouch! »

Walking without looking in front of him, Steve had just bumped into a young woman in the street. He turned immediately to apologize, as she felt on the ground.

« I'm really sorry, are you okay? » he asked her.

She waved her hand, showing him she was fine. They were about to move on when Steve spotted blood on the floor. He looked again at the woman, in the eyes this time, and froze. These eyes. Beautiful eyes he would recognize everywhere. But that's not possible, is it? How could she be here?

« Nat... » he whispers softly.

« What did you just say? » Wanda asked him.

He didn't reply. Her eyes opened wild as she identifies the voice. Slowly, she raised her hand and placed it on Steve's cheek.

« Steve... » she replied in a sharp breath.

He couldn't believe it. She really was there. He gently stroke her short blonde hair. Yeah, sure she looked quite different, but it didn't matter. It didn't matter at all. He pulled her in a tight hug, just to be sure it was really her. As soon as he wrapped his arms around her, even though she didn't push him away, he felt her tense up and breathe deeply. He pulled away right away, looking at her with a worried look. Several scratches were visible through her clothes as well as a lot of blood, and she placed her arm around her chest as if to protect it, suggesting that she had others.

« I think I need help... » she let out before collapsing.

Thanks to his increased reflexes, Steve caught her just before she hits the ground. Carrying her in his arms, he brought her to the car and started driving as fast as he could. They need to find somewhere to settle down and take care of her. Wanda and Sam started treating her wounds inside the car. Wanda used her powers to stop the bleedings while Sam disinfected her injuries. After one hour, he finally found a little cabin inside the woods and after checking its emptiness, decided to stop there.

It took an entire week for her to recover from all her bruises and cuts. However, Sam insisted on her to stay in bed a little longer, as she also had a mild concussion, a really bad cut to her abdomen and a few felted ribs. She didn't complain about it tho, showing how tired she really was.

During her entire recovering process, Steve didn't leave her for a minute, even sleeping on the ground next to her in case she needed something during the night. To be honest, he didn't sleep that much, spending entire nights watching her, wondering how to act when she is fully recovered.   For his part, he knew exactly where his heart was. It was hers, from the beginning. He just regretted acting so dumbly with her, missing every chance he had to get closer to her. They ended up best friend tho, he guessed it's better than nothing. Deep down yet, he wanted more, so much more. He couldn't ignore the urge inside him, the urge to touch her, touch her skin, feel her under his fingers, feel her lips on his. It hurt so bad to see her with Bruce before and during the Sokovia War. He had to shut himself down because all that really mattered was her happiness.

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