Chapter XIV

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« So Fury is chilling in his helicarrier while you guys fight down here? » Carol chuckles.

After the captain's sensational entry, Thanos had slipped away, much to Wanda's regret who just wanted to go after him. However, some things mattered more at the moment, like who was this girl falling from the sky and taking down an entire ship as if it was made of paper.

After retreating to the jet and a little discussion, they learned that the unknown girl was named Carol Danvers and she had known Fury since 1995 when her enemies, the krees (even though Wanda felt like there was more in this story than the Captain was willing to tell them) had invaded Earth and she helped S.H.I.E.L.D excluding them. Since then, she has been known as Captain Marvel, wandering around the universe to help to maintain peace, calm, and unity.

Thanks to Tony and his amazing skills as a storyteller, they quickly updated Carol on the situation, only omitting Nat's death. They agreed to let her go with Steve and Wanda for the gauntlet. As the strongest being, they would need her strength to pull it out of Thanos' hand while Wanda keeps him down.

So far, they have been able to find Doctor Strange and he agreed to their plan. Shuri is currently working on Vision's stone, and according to Clint, it's a matter of minutes before they separate the two. Only the gauntlet remains, a thing they have to retrieve as soon as possible.

« This Thanos... I have heard about him on various planets, but what's his real deal? » Carol frowns.

« Basically, he wants to use the stones to kill half the universe because he sees himself as a god who can decide what's good for everyone. You know... Usual stuff. » Tony retorts, shrugging.

Carol sighs. « Just another psychopath then. »

« But highly powerful, and highly intelligent » Steve adds.

« Thanks I can keep up the pace, then » the blonde woman grins.

« You think you can take the gauntlet off? »

« As long as Wanda holds him, there should be no problem. »

« Believe me, I won't let him go » the witch growls.

« Alright then, we better get to work »

Nodding, the team splits up into groups and gets back into the battle. Spotting Thanos calmly sitting away, Carol turns into her binary form.

Flying for all she's worth, she tackles Thanos down, grabbing the gauntlet, preventing him to use the stones. He headbutts her, but she doesn't bulge. For the first time, Thanos' features are torn with fear when he looks at the Captain's determined eyes. She presses him down, but Wanda isn't here yet. Pulling the power stone out of its housing, he punches Carol, sending her flying.

Suddenly, red strings invade the area, stopping Carol in midair and blocking Thanos from making any movement. Wanda lands in front of him, releasing Carol gently. Without a word, she unleashes a storm of red energy, hurling wreckage at him. As Thanos tries to fight his way through it, she lifts him in the air, ripping his armor off in pieces before slamming him back down on the ground.

Pushing herself up, Carol throws herself back in the battle just as Steve joins them and they both kneel down and start pulling at the gauntlet. Thanos groans, using all his strength to resist Wanda's will, but it's no use.

« Nearly there, nearly there... » Steve groans.

Beside him, Carol holds tight onto it, pulling it.

With one last effort, they manage to take it off his hand and Steve doesn't hesitate as he grabs it and runs back toward the jet.

« TONY! We have the gauntlet, we need the stones now! »

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