Chapter VI

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That's it. They are here, just above Thanos' base. Steve looks at Natasha. She looks very tired and sick. Yet, he doesn't dare to ask anything. He knows that she isn't in the mood to talk right now. The journey hasn't been easy so far, and it's nothing compared to what's coming. Steve looks at the organization below. He thinks about everything they had to do just to get there.

Getting to the airport was quite easy. Finding a plane to borrow was slightly more difficult. First, they went back to the United States. Then Natasha came up with that crazy, insane idea. Steve knew he was screwed up the very moment he looked in her eyes.

« No! » he said firmly. « You- We aren't doing this. »

« Come on! You know this is the only way! Where else could we find a jet to borrow? » she asked him.

Steve sighed. Once again, she was right. But it killed him to admit it.

« Okay, fine but tell me: how do two highly wanted fugitives manage to break into one of the world's most secure places, in this case, the base of the Avengers, to steal a jet, without being recognized or arrested? »

She smirked.

« There's a secret way. Tony didn't include it in the plans but did build it. It was supposed to be unknown but you know I'm the best spy in the world. The entry is in the forest, one kilometer north. And it leads directly to the garage. It was in case the compound collapsed. We would still have a way out. »

Steve smiled. He had never been prouder to have her by his side. He moved with her toward the direction she indicated him. As she said, the secret passage was still there. They smiled. Maybe, after all, Tony wasn't as angry as they thought. Because he perfectly knew that Natasha had discovered it and yet, he didn't block it. Steve broke the door and they entered the tunnel. It took them fifteen minutes to reach the garage, as they walked slowly. None of them knew exactly what kind of security the tunnel was equipped with so they took it slow and stayed alert, just in case. As expected, the garage was silent and empty. The Avengers being apart, the compound had no utility anymore. It was just a huge empty block. The dust had already started covering the engines. Steve and Nat froze, thinking about all the things that happened here. They could still hear the jet landing, hear Tony's announcements in the microphone. They could still smell food being cooked in the kitchen, smell the sweaty smell of the sports hall.

Steve felt a hand on his cheek and realized he was crying softly when Nat caught a tear with her thumb. So many regrets and so many things left unsaid. They were holding my chest and tightened it, leaving him with pain and sorrow. He placed his hand on Nat's and appreciated the coldness of her hand.

They ran toward the quinjet and stepped in. Steve turned it on and immediately, F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice came out nowhere.

« Identify yourself, please. »

« Steve Rogers »

« Access denied. » Steve frowned.

« Black Widow » Natasha tried.

« Access denied. »

Natasha closed her eyes. A small smile appeared on her face as she whispered « Goddamnit Tony ». She took a deep breath before saying:

« Natalie Rushman. »

« Welcome, Scariest Avenger »

She smiled and sat at the driver's seat. Steve took place in the seat beside her. He was still looking distant, as I the jet remained him of some old good souvenirs. Nat noticed it.

« It's fine, » she whispered « it's going to be fine, I promise you »

And he believed her.


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