Chapter III

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They were ready for the pain. They really were. But it never came. Instead, just a blue electrical light and a sentence « You didn't see that coming» with an ironic voice. Surprised, Steve and Nat open their eyes but don't let their hands go. All around them, the soldiers who, until a moment ago, were about to kill them, lie inanimate on the ground. All their weapons are gathered in piles in the center of the circle except one, which is in the hands of a blond-haired man who faces Nat.

« I must say I have seen you in better days! » he smirks.

« Pietro! » Nat shouts.

« What? » Steve replies, turning around so fast that he nearly loses balance.

It couldn't be. Pietro died during the Sokovia war. He looks up and gasps. Indeed, Pietro is standing here, in the middle of the battlefield, still playing with the gun he has stolen from a soldier.

« What the fuck are you doing here? » Nat wonders.

« First of all, language Romanoff. And secondly, I'm not sure this is quite the best place to talk about this, don't you think? » he answers.

« He is right Nat, we should find somewhere safe first. They might wake up at any moment. »

« Alright, alright » she admits.

« While you were sleeping upright, I went for a walk around and found a small cabin on the other side of the mountain, out of sight. It's not much, but I think it'll be fine »

« Perfect. Show us the way » Steve says, walking towards the car.

Driving the car, Steve tries to follow Pietro as fast as he can. Even with their speed, it takes them five hours to reach the house. As Pietro said, it's quite small but surrounded by trees and groves which hide it from the outside. Perfect place to stay low for a while. They enter the cabin to find a single couch and a small table. Not even something to cook. Steve doesn't mind right now. All he wants is safety. He'll worry about food later. They both sit on the couch and breathe deeply. Nat buries her nose into Steve's neck. This is the place where she feels the safest.

« So, Pietro, how did you find- » Steve asks him.

« No, no, no first of all, how the fuck are you not dead? » Nat cuts him short.

« Apparently, the old man saved me. »

« Barton? » Steve inquires.

« Himself. As soon as we got on that huge S.H.I.E.L.D helicopter thing, Dr. Cho healed my body with her technology. When he experimented on us, Strucker increased my metabolism. I mean my whole body, not just my speed. Thus I have an increased regeneration system. Yet, It took me quite a while to come back. One and a half years. But here I am. »

« We're happy you're back. Thanks for the saving by the way! Did you warn Wanda? She was devastated after your death. She even killed Ultron's army all alone »

« Who do you think sent me here? » Steve frowns.

« You know, it's been quite a long day so a little more explanation is welcomed » Nat grumbles, her face still hidden.

« Okay, okay so there's something you need to know about Wanda. When she uses her power on someone, she creates a kind of... link between her and the ones she uses her powers on. When we attacked you on that ship, and she messed up your minds, she also established a connection between each one of you. With that connection, she can travel space and time and see where you are, what you're doing, and even check on your feelings »

« So she can basically spy on many many people without them noticing, that's what you are saying » Nat wonders, suspicious.

Pietro acknowledges, before going on.

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