Chapter XIII

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Sited on the bench, Steve can't tear his eyes away from Natasha, lying desperately still on the bed. He hasn't let go of her hand even if it has gone cold a long time ago. Outside, the battle is still raging, barely reaching his ears. Nothing makes sense anymore. He thought he lost her, only to find her alive again, lose his baby, and lose her again. Nothing matters anymore. Who is he without her? He has lost his reason to go on. She was the one who helped him to adapt to his new life, the one he wanted to go on for. The world he woke up in seemed all so scary until he found her. And now it's all gone. 

Tilting his head, Steve observes her again. She looks so peaceful like this. Her face rests without her usual frown. Her plump lips are slightly parted and uncolored. After bringing her and Wanda inside the jet, Steve took the time to clean her damaged body and dressed her in her suit. He laid her down again and hasn't left her side since. For him, it's like time has stopped. She almost looks like she is sleeping. His beautiful angel. Her short blonde hair makes a halo around her head. Steve doesn't know why, but he hasn't cried. He is not even sure to be sad. Right now, he is just empty. He doesn't want to talk, doesn't want to move, doesn't want to leave. He doesn't even know if he can walk or if his legs can bear his weight.

On his left, Wanda begins to stir. Steve doesn't look at her but he knows she is awake when he hears her gasp. Silently, she sits beside him and takes his other hand. Steve can tell she is crying because of the small tremors shaking her fragile form. Natasha was like a mother figure to Wanda, Steve can only imagine Wanda's sorrow if it's as hard as it is for him.

« Is there... » he tries to say, but barely manage a whisper « Is there any way it is a trick again...? »

He doesn't hope anything, but he has to ask.

Slowly, as expected, Wanda shakes her head.

« No, I... The link I had with her, it's gone » she whispers « I don't feel her anymore Steve! »

Steve takes her in his arms as she lets a powerful sob wreck her chest. He rocks her gently as she cries, letting sadness take over herself.

« How... She- She can't be g-gone Steve I want her back, I WANT HER BACK! » she screams.

Letting her emotions flow, a crimson wave of power escapes her in a hurtful scream, draining her. Steve stays here, holding her the whole time. They stay like this until Wanda's tears have dried on her cheeks. Then slowly, Steve stands up and takes his shield.

« Let's go. » he says, looking at Wanda « We have a job to finish. »

Not breaking their eye-contact, Wanda stands too and takes Steve's hand. In her eyes, he reads no emotions, just fury, and rage. Her pupils are red and Steve knows she is going out there to kill. Good. He is ready too. He readjusts his shield on his arm and, not letting go of each other, they walk out of the jet, deadly duet on the way.

And if they weren't so focused on killing Thanos, they would have seen Wanda's crimson magic still dancing between Nat's fingers.

They don't notice her chest rising. 


« Tony, there's too many of them! »

« J.A.R.V.I.S scan »

« I detect a total of 2557 creatures sir »

« Shit » Tony can't help but swear « damn it's gonna be a long day. »

Tony hates to admit it, but their situation isn't brilliant. They are clearly outnumbered. Even with all the avengers and the guardians, there's no way they can win this. He needs to find a solution, now.

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