Chapter VII

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When Nat comes back to reality, it takes her a few seconds to remember what happened. Her mind feels like it's stuck in a fog. Air ventilator... Going out of it... a brief light and then... Nothing. The dark. She doesn't know where she is. One thing she has learned is that first when you're in the dark, you have to get information. Still eye-closed, she focuses on the different parts of her body, one by one. Except for a slight headache and her grumbling stomach, everything seems fine. Oh.. And she is handcuffed. Of course. Typical. However, she hasn't been tortured... yet. Slowly, almost imperceptible, she opens one eye and takes a look around for two seconds. Ok, she must admit she is surprised, which is rare enough to be underlined. That's not what she expected. Instead of being in a dark, old room with traces of torture everywhere, she lies on a bed, surrounded by pipes, computers and chemical equipment. If it wasn't for the weird smell of dust and garbage, she could have sworn she was in Bruce's lab.

« Finally, you're awake... »

Quick as lightning, she turns her head to the right and stares at the giant looking at her. Thanos. She hasn't met him but Natasha is sure this is him. Her instinct never fails her. Sitting on a chair, he seems to have waited a long time.

« What time is it? » she asks in a sharp breath.

« Earth time, 6.12 am »

6.12 am. 6.12 am. It means she has been out for almost 18 hours. She looks at him, carefully. On his right hand, four glowing stones can be spotted. So it was true... Even though Nat already knew about it, facing reality, this rough reality, affects her more than she thought it would. She looks around, to see if she can get more information, but there's nothing more than what she has already seen. Just Thanos and her. No Steve. She sighs of relief. If Steve isn't here, there are two possibilities. First, he is captured and kept in a room somewhere else. Second, he escaped and is currently safe outside. Nat prays for the second one. Or everything is lost for good. If he is outside, it means he can always come back and get her.

« I wouldn't count on it if I were you. »

As if he had read in her mind, Thanos looks at Natasha. She looks at him back, a quiet question in the eyes.

« He believes you are dead »

She holds a gasp and looks at him hard.

« He will come back. If it's not for me then it is for you »

« And I'm counting on it »

Even if she keeps a stone face on, it's the second time in a short period that Natasha finds herself being surprised. And she doesn't like it. At all.

« Why? » is the only word she manages to pronounce.

« I need something from him, and you're going to help me. »

« He will never give it to you, not even for me.»

« Oh my child, he will... Love is a particular feeling, a weakness. It will be his. »

« What are you going to do, kill me? He already believes I am dead. »

« Oh no, I am not going to kill you. You will be the light of his life and his worst nightmare. You will wipe him in half. And once he will cry for death, I'll give him what he claims for. »

Natasha's eyes are crossed by an angry light.

« You won't touch him »

« Don't get angry. You're going to need all your strength »

Nat shivers. Whatever it means, she better has to get mentally prepared. She wouldn't stress that much if it wasn't for the little human being she is currently carrying inside herself. Thanos mustn't discover this, or things are going to get even more complicated.

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