Chapter XII

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« Tony? »

« Yes, Cap? »

« Engage. »

From the moment Steve gave the order, everything became chaos. The iron legion attacked from the sky, bombarding the shield protecting the compound while Steve gave orders from the jet. Strange created various portals to get them all inside and Hope infiltrated the base with Scott to get to the control room and localize Natasha.

« That thing is pure energy! » Tony screams suddenly in Steve's ear, « I can't get into it! »

« Have you tried everything? » Steve asks him.

« Well, not nuclear energy but- »

« Tony, we are not blasting our allies with a nuclear bomb! »

« Chill Cap I was joking. But seriously, I can't get through. »

« Doesn't it remind you of something? » Clint intervenes.

« Yeah, of course, New-York, the portal. Do you think it is made with the space stone?? »

« I do. »

A sudden silence envelops the three men.

« The barrier is pure energy. It's unbreathable. We will lose power before you cut through that shell. »


« The tesseract can't fight, you can't protect against yourself! »

« Loki's scepter... »

« AGAINST YOURSELF! THAT'S IT! » The three scream, making Wanda, Vision and nearly everyone connected jump.

« In 2012, Natasha attacked the tesseract with Loki's scepter... » Clint starts.

« And inside Loki's specter was Vision's stone... » Steve goes on.

« Thus, vision should be able to break down the barrier!! » Tony concludes.

« It is worth a try » Wanda agrees.

Nodding, Vision goes to the back of the jet where Clint opens the hold. Stepping outside, he flies above the barrier and, concentrating his energy, attacks it with the stone.

At first, nothing happens and Steve's heart slightly breaks in fear. Is he even going to get his love back? Then, a breach appears, then two and like dominos, the blue dome finally gives up and falls under their eyes, falling in small pieces, burning to ash. With a triumphant smile, Clint lands the jet and they all rush out.

« Vision, you stay up there and help Tony. Clint, you go through the vents, I want to know everything you see. Wanda, you come with me. You have a special link to Natasha, I think it can help us localize her. »

« And me? » a flash of blue lightning appears.

« Pietro! » Wanda screams, throwing herself in her brother's arms.

« Are you up for some fighting, Quicksilver? »

« You bet I am, Cap »

« Destroy them »

An evil smirk flashes upon Pietro's face and in a blur, he is gone again while loud screams can be heard.

« Woah, he is really fast. » Tony observes.

« No time to waist, let's go! »

They all nod before moving quickly. Time to get to Natasha.


With her eyes half-open, Natasha is vaguely aware of the surrounding noise and bustle. Since Thanos broke her leg, it has only been a succession of consciousness and unconsciousness. Her heart is throbbing and she can feel that her exhausted body has reached its limit. She is shaking and shivering, something not helping her leg at all, and she is covered with sweat. Even what they give her through the IVs doesn't seem to work. She is dying. And she knows it.

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