Chapter IV

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« So, what does it say? »

Nat looks up at Steve. She is just done with reading the files they collected at S.H.I.E.L.D. Steve folds his eyes. Something is wrong. Her bottom lip is trembling and her eyes watering.

« Tasha, why are you crying? » he asks, kneeling before her.

She shocks her head briefly.

« We have to- We need- We must do something Steve. » she lets out between two sobs.

Steve pulls her in a hug and kisses her forehead.

« What about you tell me what's going on first? »

« What do you want to know? »

« Everything. We need to be prepared. I need to know what's coming »

She nods in his shoulder and goes back to sit cross-legged on the table. Steve sits on the couch. He tilts his head, indicating her he is ready. She takes a deep breath and starts speaking.

« Thanos. That's his name. Thanos was born of A'Lars, a member of the Titans, a kind of powerful beings resembling gods who lived on the planet Titan. Thanos loved his people unconditionally and was desperate to save Titan when the planet became the imminent target of a catastrophic overpopulation event. When Thanos suggested killing half the world's population, in a completely random way, to solve this problem, his idea was considered too drastic and rejected by his people, leading Titan to be quickly devastated and almost uninhabitable. Titan's hope was on the verge of extinction, another consequence of the planet's devastation. »

« Killing half the population... » Steve whispers.

« After the fall of Titan, Thanos came to believe that the immensity of the population within the universe was impoverishing its finite resources, and would eventually destroy the universe itself. Thus, to save the other planets from Titan's fate, Thanos became a conqueror of worlds, crossing the galaxy and destroying half of the lives within the planets he controlled by following his ideology of universe balance. He gained a reputation as a feared galactic warlord through his immense power and took control of a remote region, a deadly army of Chitauri, Sakaarians, and Scouts, and is now considered among the beings, if not the most powerful, in the universe. » Nat goes on.

« Chitauri? » Steve feels his body tensing hearing that name « So it means... »

« New-York » Nat confirms. « It was him. He sent Loki. If we add the fact that he sent him with the mind stone, it probably means that Loki was under his control too. »

Steve can't believe what he is hearing right now. He can't believe they've been nothing more than pawns all this time.

« Thor was right... »

« Thor? » Nat inquires.

« After defeating Ultron, Thor told us, Tony and I, that the reappearance of the infinity stones wasn't a coincidence at all. It turns out he was right. » he sighs. « Besides Loki, is there anyone we should be aware of? »

« Seeking to extend his power, Thanos collected orphans of each species he took control of. His oldest children are Corvus Glaive, Cull Obsidian and Proxima Midnight. These three warriors, completely believers and devoted to the command of Thanos, then compose the Black Order. While Thanos and one of his children, Ebony Maw, killed half of the Zehoberei people to balance Zen-Whoberi, Thanos' attention was drawn to a young Zehoberei named Gamora, who was fighting against one of his Chitauri soldiers. He also massacred a Luphomoid family to raise Nebula as another devoted and deadly assassin. Thanos always turned Nebula against Gamora and every time Nebula lost, Thanos would remove a new part of her body to make her stronger. »

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