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***For those who actually read this its my first story...i was really scared to actually do this but my friend Suzy and my sister convinced me to write so if this goes well i will write more books if not then ill probably still do it because im actually liking this...i thank them for actually believing in me and i love them there the best so i hope you enjoy this story plz don't judge negatively ...*** 


Everyone has there own story. Some are good some are bad...and well some...we just don't ever want to relive those moments again.

Im Jezzica Reyez seventeen and in high school.Ive gone through allot but still manage to get up every morning and go on with my life acting like its perfect when its not.All i have in my life to call FAMILY is my mom.Shes all I've got left.

I lost my father when i was 10. When i was 15 my mother thought it was the right time to let me know that my father wasn't the only one I've lost.i had also lost my twin sister when my mom went in to labor she had complications an they could have only save one of us.As you can imagine this was hard on a 15 year old.

Thats when my world went down hill. I started to skipping school, hang out with the wrong people, started drinking at the age of 16.I've gotten ARRESTED for under age drinking yet i cant stop.Now im known as the badass at school no one messes with.No one nows my whole story no never will.

Everyone will always see that im a strong person from the outside,but they will never knw what makes we weak and powerless.I will always prove im strong.If i dont prove it to others then its hard for myself to believe im even a strong person.

Everyone dought them self in life....more then once .....its normal but its up to you to prove your strong and worthy even though you already know your broken and cant be fixed....not even by a loved one.

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