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I've royally been blowing Dexter off for most of the week. He's been texting and calling but I'm always too 'busy', if that's even a thing I ever am. In my defence though, he totally deserves it. He literally just left me there when I was clearly not in a normal state of mind. He just walked away as if he had nothing to do with anything- never met me before, no idea who I am!
And aside from that, I enjoy hanging out with Maddie way more then I ever liked hanging out with him. Besides for the fact that she doesn't have a dick she can stick inside of me, nor does she seem the least bit interested to be doing anything of that kind with me, she's like a million times better then Dexter.

The house is not nearly as boring with Maddie around. Demi and her together are like a couple of kindergartners. They're so extremely loud and childish. You could literally think they're two school girls giggling away under the covers at a sleepover, trying not to wake up the adults. It's funny to see it from an outsiders perspective, cause that's exactly how me and my sister always were. I don't know if we have the exact same age difference as Maddie and Demi do, but it's definitely close. And even though my sister got married when I was like nine, has been popping out babies since then and has been a normal responsible adult, whenever we'd be together she'd turn into an even younger child then me. Exactly like Demi is doing right now. It's great to see this side of her. All I've been doing since I came here is be a bitch and hurt her to a point where she doesn't even know what to do with me anymore. So it's good to see I haven't effected her too much to a point where she can't forget about me for a while and enjoy a few minutes of worry free fun with her little sister.
The only thing I don't like about this situation is that it keeps on reminding me of what I ran away from, what I left behind. I keep on thinking how I could just run over to my sister's house right now and have this exact same fun- given that her kids aren't in the need of her attention.
I also am very unsure of what's gonna happen once Maddie leaves, which unfortunately is tonight. We've become pretty friendly. I'm not sure myself why I decided I don't need to be a bitch with her like I am with Maggie and Demi even, but I'm just not. And I'm actually enjoying being somewhat myself again and having a friend. I almost forgot how much fun it could be. Also Demi and I have been very civil with each other, you know being that her sister is around. But that might also be because of the fact that I've been behaving myself- also due to Maddie being here. I could see the dread on Demi's face too, though. She's just as scared as I am, cause there's really no telling what will happen next. It's like we can't go back to normal, cause we can't seem to establish a normal.

"Fruit, I think," Maddie says. "Nuts. Brain."

"Walnut," I say.

"You're too smart for me," she whines. "This isn't fair. I went like two times and you've already gone like seven."

"You just have to come up with harder ones," I shrug. "Anyway, fruit. Green. Pit."

"Pff," Maddie huffs. "That could be like anything," she rolls her eyes. "Give me a better hint then that."

"Okay uhh," I have to think for a bit. "Reproductive system."

"What the fuck?" Maddie just shakes her head.

"Uterus?" I try.

"You. Are. Not. Fair!" She groans. "What the hell does a uterus have to do with anything?"

"An avocado, Maddie! It has the same shape as a uterus and apparently is also good for your uterus. Why don't you know that?"

"Why do you?" She asks with raised eyebrows.

"Whatever, it's my turn again," I say with a cocky grin. "So, vegetable," I start.

"Carrot," Maddie guesses.

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