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   Shouta Aizawa X Teacher Assistant! Male! Reader

 Warnings: Villian Attacks, Threats, Hostage Situations, A Little Bit Of Suggestive Flirting (So Proceed With Caution), Swearing,

   Key: [L/n] = Your Last Name, [H/c] = Hair Color, [H/l] = Hair Length, [E/c] = Eye Color, [S/c] = Skin Color,

 Canon/Non Canon: Canon

   AU: No

 Relationship: Romantic

   Inspo: None

     Requested From: Wattpad

    Note: Just a disclaimer that the Reader is obviously older. Also this is the last request, aye. Not gonna lie, I got kind of stumped on this request. Hopefully it still came out okay!


 It was a Sunday morning. Tomorrow classes would starting back up after the weekend, and Shouta Aizawa was doing the exciting task of... grocery shopping. It was hard to do all his daily tasks when he had to babysit his class all the time. He did care about the little troublemakers, but they didn't make his job easy. Exactly what he'd expect from them.

   Toshinori and Hizashi were place-holding for him at the moment. Since the students did their own errands, Aizawa really only had to account for himself, so he wouldn't be gone long.

   They were becoming so responsible and grown. Aizawa could say that he was proud of them, but he didn't think any of them needed the confidence. Especially Bakugou... He was getting better at least, to his own account. Slowly, but surely.

   Deep down they still were children. Hence why he had to keep an eye on all of them. It was his job to protect them as they grew into respectful heroes. Honestly, things were getting a bit more difficult. He couldn't keep asking Hizashi and Toshinori for help. Maybe Toshi, since he retired, teaching is his only job now. Aizawa was sure he had his own things to do, however.

   He actually talked to Nezu about this problem. While Aizawa didn't distrust his students, he really just feared for their safety. The school, and even himself, couldn't take anymore casualties. Even more so after they promised all their parents and the news that they'd be safe. The small principal actually suggested that Shouta should take on an assistant a few days ago to help him out.

   So that's what he was thinking about as he walked through the streets, holding his bags of necessities. He took up the offer, and the assistant would start their first day tomorrow. He wondered if this was a good idea. He was more of a solo act, you know? Unless he was commentating with Present Mic. He just hoped that him and his students would get along with said assistant.

   I mean, they probably will, right? Shouta trusted Nezu's judgement, but he wouldn't be scared to make his own. Oh well, he'd just have to see how it would go. He really would be thankful for the help deep down.

   At least being out and about gave him a chance to breathe from dealing will all this chaos. It was just the run of the mill sunny day, with citizens out living their lives. It was nice to get out from being cramped with work... sometimes. He wasn't the most sociable of guys. Not that he didn't care about people, he clearly did. He was just more concerned about avoiding the press, so staying inside wasn't a huge crime for him.

   He was in the middle of texting Toshi and Mic that he was almost back, when an explosion rung throughout the area he was in. People began to cry out that a villain was attacking, and that they needed a hero to save them. Shota noticed that no other heroes were out on patrol, so it looked like a job for Eraserhead. No time for resting when you've got problems to solve. 

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