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   Jealous! Katsuki Bakugou X Male! Reader

 Warnings: Swearing, Possessive Katsuki, Angst, Unhealthy Relationship Habits, 

   Key: [L/n] = Last Name, [E/c] = Eye Color, [H/c] = Hair Color, 

 Canon/Non Canon: Canon

   AU: None

 Relationship: Romantic

    Inspo: None

 Requested From: Wattpad

   Note: This book has become semi popular. I have to say that scares me a little bit. I don't think any of you are rude but I'm a little intimidated by some of you, I must say (even if some of you are really nice! 💕). I hope you are all enjoying these oneshots so far. It makes me really happy to write these so you all can enjoy. 

   Bakugou never really noticed [L/n] all that much. He was just another damn extra, and he'd deal with him if he ever crossed his path. [L/n] made friends with some of his classmates, but Bakugou couldn't find himself caring for him all that much. He never stuck out to him, and he didn't seem all that strong, so why bother?

   This all changed when the two boys got paired into a duo for a project. Bakugou was not particularly pleased with this, but whatever. It's not like he'd do much, right? Tch, damn pushovers. He just wanted to get this over, so he was ready to make all the shots.

   It's when [L/n] actually stood up for himself and back talked to Bakugou did his small interest truly ignite. He couldn't believe this guy but also could appreciate the guts this guy had. So, with some slight fighting, they both made decisions on the project together. Bakugou had too much pride to admit that he might've underestimated this idiot. He definitely would never admit even to himself that he was somewhat impressed.

   After that, Bakugou kept close watch on [L/n], and started noticing more and more of his talent. He didn't realize it, but he was developing deep admiration for him and even a crush. After seeing everything he needed to see, he came to the totally rational decision to force them into his squad. He wanted him to hang out with him more.

   He didn't really give the poor guy a choice anyway. So, he did join his little squad consisting of himself, [L/n], Kirishima, Ashido, Kaminari and Sero. Kirishima teased him a little about the whole 'forcing [L/n] to become apart of the Bakusquad (which everyone else but Bakugou called it) but didn't get far as Bakugou denied it and threatened him quickly.

   Kiri decided not too push him. He wasn't scared or anything, just not a day where he felt like getting his ear yelled off. He did find it amusing that Bakugou was so oblivious to his own emotions. In his defense, he wasn't the only one. [L/n] also developing some feelings for the hothead, just like Bakugou was for him.

   Although almost everyone told Bakugou he needed to calm down, even just a little bit, [L/n] admired his attitude. Sure, he could've stood to maybe be a bit nicer, but other than that his passion and determination was amazing. He was strong, but [L/n] knew that deep down he must've had some emotions that he would never show on a surface level to anyone. He might've let himself slip every once in blue moon.

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