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   Yuga Aoyama X Male! Reader

 Warnings: None

   Key: [Y/n] = Your Name, 

 Canon/Non Canon: Canon

   AU: No

 Relationship: Romantic

    Inspo: None

 Requested From: Wattpad

   Note: Yo, this is dedicated to one of my readers on Wattpad who asked for more Aoyama. I never thought I'd see the day that someone would request Aoyama :0 (Sorry if it kinda sucks t_t) I actually didn't know his character well before I did some research, but sorry if he still comes off as ooc! Happy Valentine's day everyone! I hope everyone enjoys their Valentine's day, regardless of you're single or not! You're still valid and can enjoy this day without having a s/o! I know that today can make some people sad, and I'm not here to lecture you. It's okay to be sad but some advice is don't base your worth on your relationship status. Aoyama is here to give you wonderful people the love you deserve!


     Valentine’s Day was here, but for the students of U.A, it just felt like a normal day. Most of the students were more concerned with their training and schoolwork. Doing everything they could to become heroes was exhausting work that took up most of their time, so most of them weren’t worried about the holiday. Even the school didn’t want to focus on the holiday, making the students focus instead. 

   One student didn’t want to let this day pass off as normal, however. They wanted to use this day as a chance to confess to their crush. Was it cliche? Absolutely, but they didn’t really care. Somehow they found the time to be charmed by another student in their class, and they wanted to finally tell them. It was the best time to do so, right? Better now than never.

   It was the one and only Yuga Aoyama that has fallen for [Y/n] [L/n], the second prettiest boy in the class. Yuga being first, of course. Jokes aside, Yuga was actually serious about this. Usually Yuga was more focused on how much he sparkled, but his eyes couldn’t help but wander to [Y/n]’s own sparkle. Not that Yuga was selfish or self centered, he did care about his classmates. It’s just that no one has made him feel like that. Yuga didn’t find him just handsome either. They’ve actually have become pretty close over time, and his stunning personality just made him shine even more in Yuga’s eyes. 

   All the feelings that would rush through Aoyama when he hung out with him was just getting to unbearable. He had to let [Y/n] know how he felt, because he felt like if he didn’t it was gonna kill him. Who knows? Maybe [Y/n] will feel the same way and accept his feelings. Maybe then the ache in his chest would ease up on him. Still, this was such a foreign feeling to him. Him? In love? It wasn't the worst thing, just unexpected.

   [Y/n] was the first one to notice him, and he didn’t know how to handle it. If he was being honest, the whole act of “I’m so great and better than you all” was just a facade. It was like [Y/n] saw through all of that, and it was terrifying. Since no one in the class noticed him that much before, and seeing as how his charms actually worked for once and that [Y/n] was his friend was shocking. While it was scary, it was also quite… nice. It was like all his insecurities were seen by [Y/n]. but [Y/n] accepted him. He saw him as something. 

   It must’ve been that [Y/n] was a bit of a loner himself. So when he saw that Yuga was in the same boat as him, he reached out. He didn’t want him to be alone and feel unnoticed, because he’s went through the same. I mean, how could Yuga not fall for someone like that? Even if he was self absorbed, it would be impossible not to notice such a kind guy. 

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