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The early morning wasn't grey, but a soothing lavender

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The early morning wasn't grey, but a soothing lavender. Aurora turned her head to the sky as the colours merged into a soft pinkish peach. At least the morning sky remained the same in the chaos of the dying universe. 

Humming a soft tune to herself Aurora strolled down her street, the straps of her backpack clasped tightly in her hands as she made her way towards her university. Usually her bag would weigh a lot lighter, but for some strange reason she'd decided to take that old book with her, the Legend of the Seven Elements. She knew she'd be better off without it then carrying that old book all the way to university, but she couldn't help it. It almost felt like some kind of magnet she was now to permanently attached to. 

"Oh! That's what I was forgetting." Aurora piped up, stopping in her tracks as she reached the small corner store at the end of her street. 

Tucking a loose strand of black hair behind her ear, she wrapped a hand around the metal door handle, swinging open the glass and stepping inside. She smiled as the warmth of the store engulfed her, a satisfying feeling as she briskly made her way to the drinks section. 

Her eyes scanned the numerous drinks on display before lighting up at the sight of the can on the very end. The last can of energy drink. Reaching out her arm, Aurora went to snatch up the can but to her surprise another hand reached it before her, taking the can into their grasp as they took it from the stand.

"Hey, I need that!" Aurora complained, as she began to turn towards the male, "I've got some crazy long university lecture and I can't survive without my- oh it's you..." she paused, letting her gaze fall upon the man before her. 

The male's eyes widened when he caught sight of the female before him, "Oh... hey." he muttered, obviously not a morning person judging by his choice of sweatpants. "fancy seeing you here."

Aurora slapped a hand against her face as she sighed, "We live in the same street idiot."

Sheepishly smiling, he rose a hand to the back of his neck, "Oh, right... sorry." he chuckled before his eyes flickered down to the energy drink in his hand. He paused for a second, a moment of hesitation before he held out the can, "here, you take it."

Eyes widening, Aurora's lips parted in surprise, "Really?"

"Yeah," he smiled, "think of it as payment for the cooking oil I borrowed last night."

Pursing her lips, Aurora took the energy drink into her hands, "Woah, thanks." she replied, slipping her backpack from her shoulder as she searched for her wallet. On the other hand, the male placed a hand against his hip, extending his other towards Aurora, 

"I'm Yoongi." he grinned, watching as Aurora finished zipping up her bag. 

Smiling, Aurora slipped her hand comfortably into his own, noticing how cold his skin seemingly was as she shook his hand, "Aurora." she spoke, happy that she had managed to make an acquaintance. 

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