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Aurora jumped off the train, landing her feet against the platform of the station

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Aurora jumped off the train, landing her feet against the platform of the station. Slung over her shoulder was her backpack as she tightened her grip on the strap, turning her head left and right as she searched for the others. Beside her, Hoseok and Jungkook also scanned the crowd, searching for familiar faces. 

The station was flooded with people on their way to work, pushing past them carelessly. Aurora found herself swaying on her feet a couple of times before a larger man shoved into her shoulder, causing her to loose her footing. Behind her, Jungkook grabbed a hold of her shoulders, stabilising her. 

"Thanks Jungkook-" she paused as she turned to face him. His gloved hands squeezed harder against her arms, and his face was ridged with fear. Aurora could feel his slight tremble as he drew in deep breaths. "Kook?" she spoke softly, removing his hands from her arms, but not letting go of the male as she faced him completely. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." he spat, adams apple bobbing in his throat as he swallowed. Reaching for his gloves, he pulled them on more securely, taking an extra measure by shoving his hands into the pockets of his oversized hoodie. "I just haven't seen so many people before..." he confessed, almost shrinking into himself as people brushed past him. 

Hoseok also sensed Jungkook's fear... taking a hold of the male's arm as he guided Jungkook through the crowd. Aurora led the way, weaving her way past the mass of city commuters as she made her way to a less crowded spot. It seemed like another person had the same idea, because Aurora was quick to let a smile spread across her face as she spotted a familiar raven haired male. 

"Yoongi!" She chirped. 

With his bulky headphones resting around his shoulders, Yoongi slipped a hand lazily into the pocket of his jeans, holding his bag with the other. Shaking his hair from his eyes, Yoongi gave a soft smile as Aurora approached him, followed by both Hoseok and Jungkook as they too emerged from the crowd. 

"Thank God." Yoongi chuckled lowly, looking down on Aurora's smaller form, "I thought we'd all get separated."

Running a hand through his orange hair, Hoseok let out a huff, "We've still gotta find Jin and-- oh! There they are!" Hoseok grinned, watching as both Seokjin and Jimin emerged from the crowd side by side. 

"Nice." Yoongi hummed, sweeping his backpack over his shoulder as the final members of the group joined them. 

Jimin let out a grunt, "God, I forget how awful the city is sometimes."

Beside him, Seokjin snickered, "Wait until we get to Andromeda."

Rolling his eyes, Jimin let out a groan, "Don't remind me."

Eyes drifting over to Aurora, Seokjin gave a tight lipped smile, "Alright," he spoke up, gaining everyones attention, "Where's the library you visited?"

Placing a finger against her lip, Aurora sunk into thought, "It's near my university. Probably a good twenty minute walk from here?"

Yoongi rose his brows, "I know which one you mean... you visited there often?"

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