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Completely frozen in place, Aurora stood there in shock

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Completely frozen in place, Aurora stood there in shock. Her feet glued themselves to the ground as adrenaline activated her system, diverting blood to her muscles and away from her gut. Something wasn't quite right. This man was dangerous. 

It seemed as though Yoongi too had noticed the overwhelming aura of the man before him, towering above them both with his built and muscular form. The male's teeth were sharp, a reptile like tongue brushing against his lips and piercing golden eyes starring Yoongi down like a lone sheep ready to be prayed upon. 

"Um... what are you doing in my house?" Yoongi uttered, voice slightly wavering as his heart began to pound against his ribcage, the stranger sending him into a state of panic. Aurora watched on as the unknown male took another step inside, shutting and locking the door behind himself with a devilish grin. She gulped, breath catching in her throat as she finally realised that this man was up to no good. 

"Why hello there," he spoke, accented voice deep as it echoed dangerously throughout the room, "I'm just passing through, you see I have some business to take care of." he smirked, large muscular form edging closer towards Yoongi's smaller form. 

Biting down on his doll like lips, Yoongi etched closer and closer towards the windows located at the end of his living room, trying to distance himself from the unknown male, "And what might that be?" he asked, letting out a small gasp as his back hit the window behind him. 

Stopping a few metres before Yoongi's now trembling form, the corner of the male's lip ticked up into a smirk, a low chuckle emitting itself from the larger male as his golden eyes narrowed themselves on Yoongi, "Elimination." he spoke grimly, smile falling as he reached into his side pocket. 

Yoongi barely had any time to react when the male pulled a metallic device from his pocket, the polished silver glistening in the moonlight as it was aimed directly down on his form. As the unknown male pulled down on the trigger, Yoongi swiftly moved his body to the side, barely enough as a bright white ray of burning energy and light shot from the barrel. The energy wave blasted straight past Yoongi's ear, smashing through the window behind him and shattering it into a million tiny pieces. 

To Aurora, the flash was enough to nearly blind her. Her muscles were frozen in place but filled with such a tingling pressure as if telling her to run away from this madness. Through squinted eyes, loose forms with colour came about as the world came back into view. 

Yoongi was still standing by the now shattered window, hand clutched tightly against his ear as he cried out in pain. Aurora found herself gasping at the trail of warm, thick blood running down Yoongi's pale skin. His eardrum surely burst with the pressure from that blast. 

Aurora's lower lip began to tremble as she watched the unknown male raise a brow, "Quick reflexes." he piped up, turning his weapon to the side, "But I'll have you next time" he chuckled, a sickening laugh that sent a shiver down Yoongi's spine. 

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