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Seokjin swallowed thickly, licking at his lips, "I um

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Seokjin swallowed thickly, licking at his lips, "I um..." he paused, staring into the swirls of purple dancing around Taehyung's curious eyes before he dropped his gaze, "Sorry, but I don't think it's the right time to explain."

Letting out a non-humerous laugh, Taehyung ran a hand stressfully through his hair, "Not the 'right time?'" He scrunched his hair in his hand, biting down against his lower lip as he casted his gaze to the floor, "When will it be the 'right time'... no-" he cut himself off, drawing in a deep breath as he lifted his eyes to meet with Seokjin's, "will there ever even be a right time to explain?"

Seokjin parted his lips to speak, but hesitated, biting back his tongue as he fell into silence. His gaze dwindled in his lap, the male picking at the corners of the notebook in his hands as he tried to quickly think of the right words to say... he always had the right words to say, but at this moment he found himself almost taken aback. 

"A right time..." Seokjin muttered under his breath, more of a question directed at himself then anyone else. 

From beside him, Taehyung rose a brow, pursing his lips before he spoke, "Seokjin?"


"You haven't told anyone... have you?"

Something flashed beneath the surface of Seokjin's hardened expression, something painfully saddening. But the emotion disappeared before Taehyung could even identify it, like reaching desperately for an answer for it to be lost in the ether. 

Slouching a little in his seat memories began to flood Seokjin's mind, washing over his heart as he saw images of joy, sadness, patience... and love flash before his eyes. Memories could be so sweet, like the first budding of a flower in spring. But sometimes they made him feel hollow, like he was missing something he could never find. He ached inside, but he refused to tell a soul. 

Seokjin unconsciously held his notebook tighter in his hands, gripping it like it was some kind of lifeline that was going to magically protect him from his reoccurring thoughts. How ironic it was, he was the bearer of time and here he was wanting so badly to rewind the clock and change the past.
But he knew better then that.
He had to focus on the future now... even if that meant digging up painful memories. 

"I haven't told anyone... not even Jude." Seokjin's voice sounded unsteady as he continued, "There's only me and Namjoon who know the truth, and when we're both reunited as elementals... then it shall be the right time." The corners of his lips rose into a sad smile.

Furrowing his brows, Taehyung casted his eyes back to the sky, "I'm fine with that..." 

The pair fell into silence in the absolute stillness of the night. No air stirred the grass or leaves, no clouds drifted across the galaxy above. Even Taehyung's own breath seemed to die as soon as it left his mouth. It was an eerie sort of tranquility as his eyes reflected the expanse of the visible universe, the light of the starts, the smudges of purple light...

"I get it... you know?" Unexpectedly, Taehyung began to speak, finding the peaceful atmosphere rather comforting. He leaned back in his chair, crossing one leg over the other as his eyes remained glued to the night sky, "Somethings are hard to talk about... or explain even." He paused, drawing in a breath before he continued, "My past haunts me... it feels like I'm soulless. When I'm walking amidst a sea of people, I am the only alien."

Seokjin turned his attention skyward as well, "I'm guessing you want answers from me... to learn more about yourself?"

Giving a slow nod, Taehyung's gaze returned to the earth, "Yeah... there's something I need to know."

Raising a brow, Seokjin's eyes flickered over to Taehyung, "Something you need to know?"

"Yeah... nothing too serious though, it's for my own self."

Frowning, Seokjin sensed an unshakeable sadness from the male seated beside him. He hadn't thought about it too much, what Taehyung must've been through being an intergalactic child. The thought seemed to pass his mind at first, but now that he saw this new side of emotion from the elemental Seokjin couldn't help but wonder how Taehyung had awoken his element in the first place? The only way to awaken an element without the collector is to be put in a life endangering situation... so what was his?
How early did it happen?

Shaking his lingering thoughts from his mind, Seokjin directed his attention back to the male beside him, "You're not as bad as I thought you were." he commented, earning a stifled laugh from the blue haired male. 

"You're not too shabby either."

Seokjin rose a brow in distaste, "Shabby?" he spoke with offence, "Excuse you, but I'm not the one wearing a hideous coat."

Rolling his eyes, Taehyung straightened himself up in his chair, "I take pride in my drapes."

Snorting a laugh, Seokjin clicked his tongue against the inside of his cheek, "You make it sound like you're royalty or something..."

"Technically I am." Taehyung shrugged, "God of the Ether, element of Ether... King of ether?"

"You're starting to sound boastfully foolish."

Taehyung pursed his lips, "Whatever." 

The conversation dwindled on for a little while longer, the pair not noticing how long they had talked until they starred out at the early morning sky. Mellow purples and blues began to blur together as the sun began to creep above the horizon, no buildings or houses blocking the view... it was just land as far as the eye could see.  

Under the sunrise their skin glowed more golden, the branches of each tree casting long shadows over the red earth of the land. It was a mixture of warm colours, and in a moment they were cast in crimson, bathed in a rosy glow. 

Taehyung relished the way the morning breeze tangled through his hair, the male softly smiling. From beside him, Seokjin's eyes grew a little wider as he watched Taehyung's usually stern demeanour change with the rising sun.

He paused, but smiled too, "Looks like we talked through the night."

Letting his swirling eyes of purple focus on the landscape before him, Taehyung leaned against the armrest of his chair, "Looks like we did..."

{Author Note}

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{Author Note}

I'm back after MONTHS of no updates on this book. 

I guess I just needed to get back into the groove again after hitting a road block with this story... I know its so many people's favourite so I just had to continue it, not only for you guys but because I seriously enjoy writing this story. 

I've always had events planned out... just not how to bridge each climax to another without making it to fast or confusing. I started this book a while ago when my writing was a tad odd... so the pacing might be rushed at times, but it's slower now. 

More updates coming out over the next week! Stay tuned! xox

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