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Digging her fork into the corner of her brownie, Aurora slowly rose the food to her lips, letting it fall against her tongue as she indulged herself in the chocolate's taste

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Digging her fork into the corner of her brownie, Aurora slowly rose the food to her lips, letting it fall against her tongue as she indulged herself in the chocolate's taste. It crumbled in her mouth, some of it soft and luxuriant as she chewed before letting it warmly slide down her throat. 

Yoongi too dug into his brownie, eating it with less elegance as he watched the orange haired male behind the counter. His hearty smile had now been replaced by a disappointing frown, and to be honest, who would blame him? The barista literally just cursed in front of the entire cafe. It would take a damaging toll on not only his, but the cafe's reputation. 

Despite the embarrassing mess they'd caused, Aurora and Yoongi couldn't help but sit and eat in absolute silence, still completely dumbfounded by their discovery. The barista was no doubt an elemental. 

"Well shit." Yoongi cursed, eyes still glued on the male's form, "That was almost too fucking easy, like what the heck!?"

Landing a heavy hand against the table, Aurora snapped Yoongi's attention from the barista back to herself, "Pipe down would you." she mumbled under her breath, "We don't wanna draw any more unwanted attention towards ourselves." she explained, leaning back into her chair as she continued to indulge herself in the fudge brownie. 

Frowning, Yoongi wrapped a hand around his iced americano, bringing the straw to his lips as he took a long sip. He couldn't help but wonder if most, if not all the elementals were here in Seoul? It was either that, or just a strange coincidence that they'd managed to find an elemental so easily. 

"What now?" Aurora sighed, placing her fork against her plate, "Should we talk to him?"

Shaking his head, Yoongi placed his drink back down against the wooden table, "Do you really think that'd work?" he scoffed, gesturing towards the barista, "Like, 'Hey dude! So you have some kind of elemental powers and now weird alien like people are gonna try and kill you so come with us?' Yeah but..." Yoongi took another long sip of his drink, "...that ain't gonna work."

Letting out a huff, Aurora turned her gaze back over to the orange haired male. Yoongi was right, there was no way he'd believe such nonsense. Besides, the male was already in a distressed state after literally causing a scene in the cafe. Aurora didn't wanna disrupt him any more then she already had. So bringing her warm cup of coffee to her lips, she pretended to forget and go about with her day. 

"This is ridiculous!" A lady exclaimed from the front counter. Aurora found her eyes snapping back over to the tired barista, brows furrowing themselves together as she watched an older lady confront the male. 

The lady's hand was clasped tightly around a younger child's, who was oblivious to his mother's uproar. "What's your reasoning for cursing so loudly, huh?!" she shout causing the orange haired male to flinch at the woman's slight raise in tone, "This is a professional environment and you're a being a terrible worker!" she complained, earning a look of distress from the barista as he parted his lips in thought of what to say. 

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