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"Please don't pass out!" Hoseok screeched, quickly closing his hand into a tight fist as he cut off his elemental abilities

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"Please don't pass out!" Hoseok screeched, quickly closing his hand into a tight fist as he cut off his elemental abilities. The flames were quick to vanish, golden light fading back into the shadows of the poorly lit room. Letting his arm fall back to his side, Hoseok was quick to take a hesitant step forwards. 

Back pressed against the wall opposite the group, Jimin was at a loss for words, practically rendered speechless by Hoseok's demonstration. He couldn't help but want to shrink away, become clueless once again because to him, now that he knew the reasoning for his entire being, he couldn't help but want to forget it all. Ignorance can be a blessing sometimes, and Jimin wanted more then anything to just live about his normal life, without having to be an elemental. 

Jimin was as rigid as a statue, eyes falling to the floor as he came to realise his purpose. "I hate this." he muttered, ash blonde hair falling softly over his eyes as his gaze remained glued to his feet. Fascinating how his shoes had suddenly become so interesting as he began scanning his footwear, right from the way he did his laces down to the dirt and worn out sides, "Does this mean... the only reason I was born was for the sake of the universe?" Adams apple bobbing in his throat, Jimin's mouth began to go dry at the thought, "This is the path I have to take... isn't it." he muttered, tensed shoulders loosening as he softened his stance, defensive walls crumbling as he rested himself tiredly against the wall. 

It wasn't just Jimin that suddenly fell into dejection, but the rest of the group as well. They never had a choice in any of this! It almost seemed like they had to give their lives up for the sake of everyone else's. In the grand scheme of things, it was only fair, but should the suffering of one person be justified as okay if the rest are happy?

Letting out a sigh, Seokjin took action, strolling over towards the blonde haired male. "Jimin?" he piped up, resting a warm hand of comfort against the male's shoulder. Slowly but surely, Jimin rose his head, making eye contact with the taller male. Seokjin gave a soft smile, one that was almost sugar coated with bitter sweetness, "Trust me, it's a privilege to be chosen."

Brows furrowing, Jimin shook his head in disbelief, "How is this a privilege!?" he scoffed, however, Seokjin kept his cool. 

"Elemental or not, you would've been born." He began to explain, gaining the attention of both Hoseok and Yoongi as well. "It's not the universe that decided for you to be born... the universe didn't decide that, your parents did." he chuckled sadly, "The only thing the universe decided was that you would be a good person." he continued to explain, lightly squeezing the younger's shoulder in reassurance, "You were chosen because you've got good morals and a good heart," Seokjin paused as he turned back to face the rest of the group with a smile, "It chose us all because of that simple fact... we're the best of the best."

Seokjin's words sunk in to all three elementals present. He was right about one thing... they all had a good heart. Yoongi who had risked his own life to protect Aurora's, and Hoseok who had abandoned his life for the sake of the universe, they were meant to be the best of the best, pure and kind hearted souls. 

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