Chapter 30 - Huh?

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Lynn Ah's POV

My mind went to the dirtiest thoughts... Not that I mind it.

Wide eyed I looked up at him. "Huh?" I asked not believing my ears. "Oh, uhm... I meant will you drive me around in the car?" He said after he cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh! Uh, sure." I said, still in shock. "What did you think I was talking about?" He asked as he got on top of the car, behind me. I could feel him smirking behind my back as he teased me.

"Nothing... What would I think?" I asked trying not to sound like a creep. "I don't know..." He trailed off with a teasing voice.

"Has anyone seen Lynn- Aaaaah!" Jackson said and i turned the car around when I heard my name.

"Ahh," he said again before a smirk formed on his face, "I was wondering where you went off to, guess you ended up on JB's embrace." He said as I glared at him.

"And you," He turned to JB, "Can't your shoulders get any wider?" He rolled his eyes before continuing, "I got worried for a minute when I couldn't find her." He pretended to be worried but soon smirked again.

"What can I do? She's so tiny... fits perfectly in my arms." He said wrapping his arms around me. My heart was about to beat out of my chest.

I laughed nervously and he let go. "Let's get away from them." He said to me and put his hands on the car's steering wheel and we drove away from the group. "Okay! I see you!" Jackson yelled behind us and JB just laughed.

We arrived at the door and he helped me get up from the car. "What are you doing?" I asked as he dragged me by the hand. "I'm hungry, please join me for a meal!" He said turning to me with puppy eyes, "Look I'm so cute huh?" He asked pinching his cheeks.

 "I'm hungry, please join me for a meal!" He said turning to me with puppy eyes, "Look I'm so cute huh?" He asked pinching his cheeks

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I smiled at the sight. He's adorable. "Okay I'm coming because I'm hungry too, but you have to bring me back here." I said and he smiled and we ran out holding hands.

Before we made it outside to the car we put on the masks just in case someone sees us.

After making it to the barbeque place he took me, it was a nice place outdoor but still away from public's eye.

I was enjoying my meal with JB when all of a sudden I felt this strange feeling. I looked up and my eyes fell onto one person.

A person I thought I'd never see again after all that time.

A person I have been trying to avoid, trying to forget.

A person I have been trying so hard to move on from.

A person that made me feel like I was never enough.

A person I used to love.

My ex boyfriend, Kim Taeyang.

He was someone that used to be in my life when I first moved to Korea

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He was someone that used to be in my life when I first moved to Korea. We used to date before debut and all this time I had been healing from this relationship.

I was so exhausted mentally and emotionally from this relationship so it had to end. All I ever was to him was a second chance. I realized what's best for me, which was leaving.

Still... my stupid heart did not forget about him, and it still beats like crazy when I see him.

The smile I had on my face when talking to JB disappeared making him confused and look at the same direction I was looking.

Taeyang started walking over to our table upon noticing me. "Lynn Ah?" He asked, my name falling smoothly of his lips. "Taeyang!" I said his name.

"I see you have moved on pretty quick!" He said looking back and forth between JB and me, "Yes," I smiled turning to JB, with all the power in me I pleaded JB to go along with it, "I realized what was best for me, so here we are!" I said my eyes never leaving JB's.

He gave me a reassuring smile and took my hand in his. "Shall we get going babe?" He asked completely avoiding Taeyang.

We both got our stuff and headed to the door, JB's shoulder colliding with Taeyang's as we walked past him.

"You'll regret this decision!" Taeyang said and JB stopped mid walking. My eyes widened as I turned to him. He put his arm around my shoulder and waved his hand at Taeyang as we walked out of the door.

(End of chapter 30)

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