Chapter 42 - Jakarta II

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Lynn Ah's POV

I turned to face JB as soon as he said my name.

I looked up at him and waited for what he had to say.

"I was so worried something was going to happen to you." He said softly.

"I'm okay. You don't have to be worried." I said smiling to assure him that I am okay.

"Don't say you're okay. You're not okay and you know that." He said and I sighed.

I wasn't feeling well yes, and I might not be feeling well for a few days but I will get better.

"I'll get better! You don't have to worry." I said and he nodded. "You will get better and I'll be there to see it." He smiled.

"After hearing about you being at the hospital I thought of the most horrible things... I realized how short life is and how we should appretiate people in our lives." He started, taking my hands in his.

"I was scared to make a move, but I'm sure I want to get to know you even more... I want us to get to know each other more." He smiled nerviously. His eyes were staring anywhere but mine.

I put my hands on his cheeks and he looked down at me, "I'm totally fine with that." I smiled and his smile grew even more.

Before I took my hands away I decided to pinch his cheeks which made him roll his eyes. "Everyone keeps doing this." He whined as I laughed.

"It's not my fault you have squishy cheeks." I said and he just shook his head while rolling his eyes, "You're the one with the squishy cheeks here." He said and pinched my cheeks. Oh boy!

After fooling around for a bit we came back to the people that were waiting for us. "I'll go now, I'll text you later," he winked at me and turned to my manager, "Hyung-nim!" He said bowing before waving goodbye and leaving with Yugyeom.

I turned to Posie with a huge smile on my face and without having to say anything she knew why I was happy.

When it comes to me and Posie, it's like we're psychic.

We can communicate with each other through looks, like have a conversation even if we're far away from each other.

I could stare at her from the other side of the room and she'd know what I mean and want to say.

She smirked upon seeing my smile as we headed to the van.

Tomorrow is our concert day and I decided that today, very last minute, I would be attending GOT7's concert.

"JB is asking if anyone is coming?!" I said to the girls and they all looked at each other.

I have been texting him for 30 minutes since I made it home and decided to take his offer in attending the concert.

"I wanna come too!" said Jane, followed by Posie. "I think I'm going to rest today. We have the big day tomorrow." Tiara said to which Jessie, Nora and Yoa agreed.

"Well then it's only the three of us I guess." I turned to Jane and Posie as they nodded happily.

(At the concert/ Instagram)


"What a night✨"

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"What a night✨"


"@Posielove are you ready for our big day tomorrow?😍❤️"

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"@Posielove are you ready for our big day tomorrow?😍❤️"

(The talented leader: JB)

(The talented leader: JB)

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(End of chapter 42)

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