chapter 6

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I looked back down at the paper to read his classes to know what to show him.
"Oh that's cool we have almost the same schedule you just have a different first one" I say thinking out loud
"Oh yay so I'm guessing you're 19 too ?" He asks.
"Yep" I say and put the paper away cuz I already knew the classes. "Well let's get started" I say before walking ahead to the first class. He seemed like a good person maybe we'll even become friends after seeing each other everyday soon. After spending a while with him while showing him around we started to get to know each other.
"So Marais..that's a pretty last name" He randomly says. I don't usually tell people 'Hey btw my brother is a famous guy in a boy band' cuz I don't want people to just use me for attention or just know me by that.
"Yeah" I respond quietly. At this point we were just walking in the halls cuz I had finished showing him his classes around. I was suppose to go to class after doing this but I just didn't feel like it today.
"So are you single?" He asks out of no where. I looked at him surprised not expecting him to ask that before answering
"Uh yeah actually i am. You know with an overprotective brother it's not that easy to find a guy since he's always intimidating them,
scaring them away" I respond not even realizing I was staring at his light green eyes. The bell rang so I moved us to wait for everyone to walk in the hall with us not in the way. I was looking out the window on the door at the end of the hallway there was a squirrel on the tree outside. aww. I turned back around to Owen and didn't realize how close we were to each other. He looked down at me and leaned against the wall not breaking eye contact and started to lean in. I didn't know him that well I mean we just met today this morning. Before I knew it he closed the space between us and connected our lips. By instinct I kissed him back. He lips were soft and he kissed were passionate and gentle.
We both pulled away and looked at each other, I didn't know what to say and just smiled, I could feel my cheeks turning a light shade of pink.
"Aw you're blushing" He says and brings his hand up to my cheek admiring my face "It's cute" He says before lightly pecking my lips again and smiling. I chuckled quietly and looked up at him getting an idea
"We should go somewhere. Like starbucks or something" I suggest
"Shouldn't you be getting to your classes?" He asks
"I should but that doesn't mean I will" I say and smile.
"Then yeah let's go get starbucks or something" He chuckled and we walked out the building now that almost everyone was in their class.
There was a starbucks a few blocks away so we just decided to walk since it wasn't too far. We went to order our drinks but there was a line so we were just talking about random stuff before I got a call so I looked at my screen 'Incoming call from Corbyn🥺💕' Owen looked at it too "You can answer if you want it's alright" I didn't answer the call.
"It's probably not important it's fine" I say and put my phone in my back pocket.
"So who's Corbyn" He asked
"Just a close friend" I say and smile
"Hmm his name sounds familiar"
"Uh yeah it's common yet rare name" I say hoping he doesn't know who he is. I don't usually tell people about me being semi famous because of Jonah right away and I really didn't want Owen to just know me by that. We got our iced coffee and sat at a table by the window
"So tell me more about you I wanna get to know you" Owen says before taking a sip of his coffee.
"Um well I'm 19 I live with my older brother, Jonah, and his friend who's like a little brother to me and my parents live in Minnesota" I say not trying to say a lot
"Wait so, Jonah Marais is your brother?" He asks slightly confused. I looked past him and saw Corbyn and Christina walk in hand in hand. No I didn't need this right now.
"Hey how about we head back to my house?" I suggest, not answering his question.
"Yeah I guess" He says and we both got up to leave. I accidentally made eye contact with Corbyn and he smiled at me and waved, I tried to act like I didn't see him and just walked out with Owen. We went outside and he ordered an Uber to go my house.
"Y/n" I heard Corbyn call my name
"Ugh" I mumbled under my breathe before turning around to face Corbyn faking a smile
"Hey Corbyn" I say sounding happy
"I saw you inside I don't think you noticed me tho" He says and chuckles
"No I didn't see you"
"Um well I'm here with Christina you should join us" He offers
"Thanks but I'm going home with Owen" I say and look up at Owen and he smiles.
"Oh" Corbyn says sounding disappointed and his mood noticeably went down
"I mean we can hang out some other time if you want.." Owen says quietly
"No no no I wanna get to know you more and I don't have anything else to do" I say reassuringly to him
"Yeah I'll just catch you later, bye" Corbyn says and hugs me tightly for a few seconds. "Nice meeting you" He says to Owen before turning around going back into Starbucks with Christina who was waiting for him.
"And our Uber is here" Owen says just as a car parked in front of us.

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