chapter 7

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The uber driver was nice he talked to us a little bit we finally got here. Jonah wasn't gonna be home cuz him and Tate had a date planned today so he would probably already be at her house. We walked in and Zach was home.
"Hey Zach" I say and threw my bag on the kitchen table.
"Hey y/n- hey who's that" He asks referring to Owen.
"This is Owen, we just met today so I invited him over so we could talk a while more"
"Does Jonah know" He asks and raises his eyebrows
"No and he doesn't have to plus I'm older than you so I have more control so ha" I say and smile.
"Fine" He says and goes back to watching netflix.
"Wanna go up to my room?" I ask
"Yeah sure" Owen responded and follow me up the stairs.
"Keep it PG 13 in there you two!" Zach shouted from downstairs. I laugh and left the door to my room 3 inches open ( 🥺 ).
"So about what you asked" I start "My older brother, Jonah, is the Jonah from a boyband called Why Don't We and I'm his little sister. Zach downstairs is Zach Herron also in the band and the Corbyn from starbucks is Corbyn Besson who is also in the band. I don't usually like telling this to people I recently met but I thought I might as well tell you before you think I'm hiding it or something"
I say while playing with one of my rings I had on.
"That's why your last name sounded so familiar" He says and I just gave a confused look "I mean like my little cousin loves why don't we and I knew your name sounded familiar I just didn't know why" He says now realizing
"Aw really? I mean she could meet them whenever if she would be able to come over" I suggest
"She'd love that" He says and smiles "But why don't you like telling people that?"
"I don't know I just don't want people to only be friends with me to get close to the guys and get clout from them or anything like that" I quietly respond before continuing
"And people have used me before to just get more followers and stuff before completely ignoring me and forgetting I exist"
"You don't deserve to be put through that. Thanks for telling me tho and you know I won't do that to you" He says reassuringly as he scoots closer to me to put an arm around me shoulder, holding me closer he looked down at me and smiled before leaning in.
"Y/n" He quietly said pulling away from the kiss
"Yeah?" I ask, looking into his eyes
"I know we've only known each other for a day but will you go out with me?" He asks shyly and his cheeks turn a light shade of red.
"Yes" I smiled and kissed him again.
"I guess college is off to a good start for me" He chuckled. "Also what's your number I kinda need that" He asked and handed me his phone. I started typing my number in but stopped when I heard Jonah's car, I finished putting it and looked out my window and he brought Corbyn, Christina, and Tate.
"Shit" I said under my breathe
"What's wrong" He asks and puts his phone away.
"I guess you're meeting my brother" I respond nervously
"Oh alright" He says and stands up.
"Just be yourself don't be too nervous and don't be scared because he can probably smell fear" I say with a small chuckle.
I heard them walk in the door so I walked out the room with Owen following behind. We walked into the living room where everyone was
"Hey guys" I say to everyone, Owen was just awkwardly there not knowing what to do. Jonah was not breaking eye contact with him since the second he saw him.
"Who's that" Jonah asks referring to Owen
"I'm Owen" He smiles and walks over to Jonah, holding his hand out to shake his.
"He's my boyfriend" I nervously say while Jonah stands directly in front of him slightly looking down since Owen was a little shorter than Jo.
I could tell he was getting nervous with the eye contact and silence
"It's nice to meet you" Owen said breaking the silence. Christina walked over to me
"Since when did you find a boyfriend and not tell me" She asks pretending to be offended
"O h" She says not expecting that response
"...and treat her right and don't break her heart" Is all I heard Jonah say probably finishing his overprotective brotherly threat.
"I don't plan on it" Owen responds
"Well nice to meet you.." Christina says and goes to greet him but pauses on his name
"I'm Owen" He says assuming she didn't catch his name.
"Nice to meet you now don't break her heart or I'll break your face, alright?" She says and smiles.
"I won't" He happily responds
"I'm Christina bu the way" She adds
"Nice to meet you"
"Hey" Is all Corbyn says, not even bothering to look at him to go sit by Zach on the couch.
"Hey Owen" Tate says and bites into a chip.
"So how did you two meet" Christina asks and sat next to Corbyn.

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